[6] overprotective

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the next day, you decided to go take a swim and find a few seashells to make a cute necklace for kiri.

tsireya wanted to tag along, so she helped you find a few seashells.

when you finally found enough seashells for a necklace, you grabbed a long strand of twine and made the accessory.

"she'll definitely love this." tsireya commented, admiring the necklace as you tied the ends.

you smiled and the two of you happily skipped towards the Sully's marui, greeting a few na'vis on the way there.

when you arrived, you peeked in first to see if they were busy, and when you clarified that they weren't; you both stepped in.

"hi kiri!" you greeted joyfully, with your hands behind your back as you hid the surprise, while tsireya waved at the sick girl.

kiri's mood seemed to have immediately lit up when the two of you arrived, sitting up since earlier she was laying down with a blanket on top of her.

"hey girls, thank you for visiting." kiri thanked dearly, with a warm cheeky smile.

next to her was neteyam, who greeted the two of you by lazily waving his hand.

"by the way, we miiight have a little surprise for you." tsireya announced, her dimples showing as she smiled.

"a surprise? really what is it?" kiri questioned excitedly, her eyes sparkling.

you put your arm forward, showing her the necklace you and tsireya had recently made.

you went near her and quickly handed her the necklace, since she was sitting down and you didn't want to make her sit up.

kiri smiled excitedly while inspecting the jewellery, admiring each and every different little seashell.

"thank you so much, i'm going to keep this forever." kiri thanked, the necklace in her hand as she brought it to her heart, before putting it on herself.

"it matches you." neteyam added, making his sister thank him too.

"you're welcome, kiri." you stated, giving the girl a small smile.

"anyways," tsireya spoke up, putting on a sad expression on her face. "we gotta go now, we're going somewhere."

"oh alright, see you later!" kiri waved with one hand, fondling with her necklace with the other hand.

"see ya." neteyam casually nodded upwards towards you and tsireya, as he stood up to get something to eat.

"bye bye!" you and tsireya saluted at the same time, calmly exiting the marui.

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