[8] comfort

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quick note: (f/n) means friend's name!!

after your father's death, you grieved like no other person. many gifts were sent just outside your marui, including jewellery and all kinds of flowers.

rotxo in the other hand, handled the situation with bravery and courage. he recovered after just one day and hung out with his friends as if nothing ever happened. you kind of envied him for this, wishing your emotions would stop getting the best of you.

since rotxo stopped grieving, you began feeling less sad too. a day after rotxo recovered, you took a deep breath and exhaled. you needed to take your mind off your dad's death so you went out by the dock and sat down.

it was night-time, so all the stars illuminated in the sky, and the moon's light lit up your figure.

you observed the water as little drops of rain began falling down from the sky.

you looked up and drops fell onto your face, dripping down onto your neck.

instead of running back in like anybody would, you stayed where you were and enjoyed the nature even more.

it was nice getting away from your thought once in a while, and you were happy.

a few steps resounded against the wooden dock, making your ears slightly twitch.

"i knew i'd find you here." lo'ak smiled, your gaze softening as they met his.

lo'ak walked and sat down next to you, admiring you before you spoke.

"hey lo'ak." you smiled, staring back into his bright yellow eyes.

lo'ak remained silent, as he just admired your face. after a few seconds you furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head at him.

"what?" you chuckled at him, making him smile even more.

"you're just, so pretty." lo'ak sighed smiling, his eyes softening while looking into your eyes with no shame.

"pfft." you denied, breaking eye contact with him as you looked away, to hide your blush from the boy.

"i'm not joking, you know?" lo'ak affirmed, making you turn your head back around.

"you just kinda.. remind me of the ocean." lo'ak added, shrugging his shoulders.

"...the ocean?" you questioned, tilting your head at him.

"yeah." lo'ak chuckled, shaking his head and breaking eye contact as he swayed his feet in the water.

"that's cute." you mentioned, smiling to yourself and looking at the moon once again.

the two of you sat in silence for a short amount of time, before you spoke up again.

"you know.." you began, glancing at lo'ak who was beside you, who was just calmly looking at the clear blue water.

"my brother kinda hates you." you chuckled, diverting your gaze back to the ocean.

"yeah i could definitely tell." lo'ak laughed gently, making you laugh too.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - lo'ak s.Where stories live. Discover now