[5] exploring

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after hanging out with ao'nung, you were quite happy for yourself for making his mood go up.

you hated seeing him all moody since he was boring like that, but you successfully managed to cheer him up.

the next day, tsireya called out everybody and decided to take you to the Spirit tree.

"hey (n/n)!" tsireya waved at you, as you walked towards the group.

"hey everybody." you calmly greeted back, hugging tsireya when you arrived.

"hi (y/n)!!!" tuk exclaimed happily, opening her arms signalling for you to hug her. you instantly warmed up to the little girl and bent down to hug her, and while you were hugging her, she suddenly put her legs around you; koala-hugging you.

"hey lo'ak, hey neteyam." you nodded your head towards them, making neteyam raise his eyebrows at you, and lo'ak waved back.

"wow tuk you're so light." you wowed, laughing as you spun around with her in your arms.

lo'ak watched the moment in awe, admiring his little sister get along with someone he had unconfirmed feelings for.

kiri was too focused on the little seashells in the water to even notice that you had arrived.

while neteyam and lo'ak talked about who knows what, you and tsireya played with tuk in the water; feeding tsireya's Ilu as you waited for your brother and ao'nung to arrive.

"anyways, where were you yesterday?" tsireya questioned, while you gave tuk another small fish to feed tsireya's Ilu.

"i was with, uhh.." you paused, avoiding eye contact with her and only looking at tuk feeding the Ilu.

"i know you were with one of the Sully kids." tsireya teased, gently pushing your shoulder.

"how did you know?" you panicked, since you were quite ashamed of admitting you hanged out with one of the Silly's.

"i have my ways, anyways." tsireya blurted out, grinning as she moved closer to your ear to whisper something. "which one?"

your ear twitched while she spoke, but then you backed away and shut her up jokingly.

"shut up reya." you scoffed, avoiding eye contact as you smiled.

"i can see you smiliiiiing!" tsireya teased, giggling at your figure.

"wait, let me guess which one." tsireya stated, making you immediately shake your head in denial.

"no no no don't even-" you were cut off by tsireya who whisper-yelled; 'it's lo'ak isn't it?'

"shh!" you shushed right after, shutting her up by putting your index finger on her lips and looking at the two Sully brothers who were talking by the coast, to see if they heard anything.

"yes it was lo'ak, so?" you admitted, folding your arms.

"oh i knew it." tsireya giggled, giving you a 'i told you so' look.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - lo'ak s.Where stories live. Discover now