[4] new friendships

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new friendships

after a good hour of sitting close together, the two of you decided it was time to go home and see each other the next day.

when you stepped back in your marui, your brother was sitting on the floor, clearly waiting for you.

"gosh! you scared me." you jumped, rolling your eyes at him.

"where have you been?" rotxo stood up, tilting his head as you avoided eye contact with him.

"i just.. took a walk on the beach." you lied, taking off your sandals as you spoke.

"i perfectly know when you lie (n/n)." rotxo reminded, while you still avoided eye contact.

you stayed silent even after taking off your sandals, then you sat down on the carpet you usually slept on.

rotxo took your silence as a sign that you didn't want to talk, so he just continued talking himself.

"you were with that Sully kid, weren't you?" rotxo questioned, even though he perfectly knew the answer.

you continued avoiding him and laid down, with your back facing him. you in fact did not want to talk, so just listened to his words pretending to fall asleep.

"i don't care if you were with lo'ak." rotxo reassured, causing you to sit up, with your back still facing him.

"just-" your brother paused, taking a deep breath. "don't make me worry so much next time, okay? you're the only family i have left."

rotxo's remark almost made you shed a tear, but you stood up and embraced him in a fraternal hug.

"let's go sleep now." you recommended, as you two separated from the hug.

you slowly walked to your carpet and laid down, while rotxo turned the lantern off before laying down on his carpet, that was in the other part of the marui.

"good night." you mumbled, moving positions to make yourself comfortable.

"night." rotxo muttered, as the two of you drifted off to sleep.

in the mean time, as soon as lo'ak came home he woke up his older brother and began telling him about the event.

"yo bro, i gotta tell you something." lo'ak whispered, making neteyam rub his eyes in confusions. "what?"

"..i met a girl."


the next day, you woke in a somewhat very good mood. as soon as you woke up, you put on your sandals and made your way towards the Sully's marui.

before you could arrive, you could see lo'ak exit the marui and notice your figure.

"hey lo'ak!" you waved, slightly jumping up and down.

lo'ak jogged towards you as he saw your figure, waving at you back.

"hi (y/n) wanna go take a swim?" lo'ak questioned, while you two walked side by side towards the beach.

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