[3] problems

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a few days passed since the fight and everywhere you would go across the entirety of the village, people would still compliment you about the fight.

even though some remarks weren't so positive, you didn't care: you kind of liked having the spotlight on you.

you were calmly heading towards tsireya's and ao'nung's marui with rotxo on your side.

as the two of you walked along the rope paths, people would greet you by time to time by nodding their head downwards, and you exchanged them every time.

"damn, everyone knows about the fight now." rotxo remarked, chuckling as he shook your shoulder teasingly.

"yeah, i guess everybody knows now." you replied nonchalantly, smiling at his remark.

you both stayed silent as you walked for a bit before you abruptly stopped in your tracks, realising something that could possibly cause you serious trouble.

rotxo looked at you with a confused look, and waited for you to answer your sudden realisation.

"shit, everybody knows." you stated, looking at rotxo with worried eyes.

if everybody knew, then that meant that even your parents knew, and that meant serious trouble since your parents were very strict.

"oh fuck." rotxo shook his head in frustration, as he gripped his hair with his hands.

"what do we do rox?" you questioned frantically, as you made him face you by putting your hands on his shoulders.

"don't worry (n/n) i'll take care of it." rotxo reassured, taking your hands off his shoulder and engulfing you in a tight hug.

when the two of you got involved in bad stuff, rotxo always and i mean always took the blame, making you seem innocent.

"no!" you denied, pushing him out of the hug. "you can't always take the blame rox, you can't keep doing this for me."

rotxo looked at you with concern, speechless of the situation. "are you sure? because you perfectly know what happens when our parents get angry."

"yes i know rox." you consoled, putting a hand on his shoulder once again. "we're not kids anymore, remember?"

"right." rotxo murmured, as he directed his gaze on the ground.

it wasn't common for rotxo to show these type of emotions, so this time, you engulfed him in a hug.

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