[10] to the rescue

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to the rescue

life was particularly great at the time; you were happy and you couldn't ask for anything more. you were surrounded by friends, family & loved ones.

you were currently hanging out with tsireya to get ready for a party where many na'vi of various islands came and celebrated an event you still didn't understand.

this event slash party was hosted every year by tsireya and ao'nung's parents, and basically all the people did all night long was dance together with joyful music, and often take turns singing.

you and rotxo absolutely adored this party, so you were both quite fired up a few hours prior.

as i said earlier, you were currently hanging out with tsireya getting ready for the party.

"hey, i heard from some girls that there's going to be lots of attractive boys coming to the party." tsireya grinned, as you deadpanned at her while braiding her hair.

"i can't wait, even though we do this party every year i still feel my blood rushing." you chuckled, concentrated on braiding tsireya's hair.

"yeah! i wish i meet my future mate tonight." tsireya daydreamed, her head seeming to be in the clouds.

"ew reya." you gagged jokingly, as you quickly released your hold from her hair to grab a hair tie and tie the braid you just did.

you returned immediately and tied the braid, tucking the braid behind the girl's ear.

"awh come on," tsireya weeped, but a happy thought suddenly came to her. "are you and lo'ak anything yet?"

"i mean, we confessed to each other." you explained, your lips forming into a straight line. "i guess we just haven't talked about it yet."

"woah, who confessed first?" tsireya questioned excitedly, almost jumping out of her seat.

"he did." you answered with a slight smile, making her laugh at him even though she shouldn't be.

you and tsireya ended up talking a bit more, before you had to get dressed since the party started at eclipse, and the moon just popped up in the sky.

you wore a white floral cover for your private parts, the inside part was completely white, while the outer layer was kind of see-through with some bioluminescent lines—and the top was a simple white top. you also braided your hair and put sequins in some parts to accentuate them.

 you also braided your hair and put sequins in some parts to accentuate them

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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