a new prince

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Dragons are peculiar, interesting and intelligent creatures dating back thousands of years, for Targaryens and Velaryons these symbols of power and divine right, they are lifelong companions and friends bonded by the blood of old varlyria. They have been instrumental since before Aegons Conquest. At birth dragon eggs are put in the cribs of newborns to increase the chance of that egg to hatch but also so that the dragon and new babe can bond from birth, making the bond stronger than ever.

Daenerys sat in a field behind the palace singing to her dragons having just Come back from a ride by on dragonback around kings landing. She knew she would have to return to the red keep now or her grandsire would send out the entire city guard to find her. If only her mother would worry about her like he did, like she once did before the birth of jacaerys her brother. Daenerys didn't hate her brother she really didn't how could she it wasn't his fault her mother couldn't hide her distaste for her own daughter. Daenerys didn't really know what she did to evoke such passionate hatred from her mother, but she was kind to her once when she was a toddler, she vaguely remembered her mother reading to her ,playing various games with her and even singing to her but that all changed suddenly when she was seven and her cousins the lady's Rhaena and Baela where celebrating their fifth name day, the entire family went to pentos to celebrate with the twins and the little princess was enjoying herself  indulging with all the book and music and art pentos had to offer, it was a total mystery how a the princess Rhaenyra was so adoring to her first born then went on to pretending she didn't have a daughter even going as far as to trying to supplant Daenerys as her heir in favor of her son jacaerys but fortunately the king would not allow such a thing to happen to his precious granddaughter declaring that Daenerys was and will always be next in line for the iron throne after her mother which only seemed to anger the princess more, So the young princess spent most of her time with her dragons and her grandsire.

Visarys enjoyed his granddaughters' company unlike his own daughter who kept whispering and playing with insects, Daenerys like her grandsire had a love for the histories, philosophy and old lore which visarys loved sharing with her. The princesses' thoughts were interrupted by ser Leon Tarth her sworn shield who came sprinting across the vast green field where she and her three dragons resided.


"What is it ser Leon? "the princess asked not quite sure her friend looked like he ran across the length of westeros

"You mother has begun her labors and the queen wishes to speak with you I am to escort you to her chambers" ser Leon said after catching his breath. "Why?" The princess asked puzzled why would the queen want to see her at a time like this the princess Wondered rising to her feet and made her way back to the castle with ser Leon close behind

"Why what? "Leon asked not quite sure what the young princess was asking.

"What does the queen want? why does she want to speak with me?"

"How should I bloody know it's now like we sit around braiding each other's hair and share secrets now do we princess" ser Leon exclaimed sarcastically.

"Right sorry" Daenerys Said through a fit of giggles, ser Leon even though two decades older than herself always found a way to make her laugh. By the end of the short conversation and a bit of silence which neither of the two minded the princess and ser Leon were already outside the queen's chamber.

"Princess, ser Tarth" ser Cole greeted the duo with a look of distaste and boy if looks could kill, they'd both be very dead. "Ser Cole, the queen is expecting me. The queens guard only looked at the young princess with a look of pure hatred and reluctantly opened the large metal door to let her into the queen's chambers. The queen who had been waiting patiently for the young princess's arrival was standing by a stained-glass window at the far end of the very spacious room gazing down at the gardens below.

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