the vale

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In this chapter there will be smut, Daenerys is about 16 so if you are uncomfortable with this you might want to skip this chapter.

For the next year of the tour I was forced to spend time in close proximity of the Lannisters who were decidedly the most pompous and arrogant family in the Seven kingdoms. Jason Lannister had taken every chance to flirt with me despite the presence of his wife and when he wasn't flirting he was make unseemly marriage proposals for me and his young son who was yet to be born. I felt sorry for the lady Johanna for having to put up with all her husbands antics and made friends with her and by the end of my Johanna and I had become quite close and sent letters to eachother, I even got her and helaena to become quill mates but soon I was wisked off to the vale to my distant relatives and now even in travel we've become thick as thieves.

Lady Jeyne Arryn  ruled over the vale with an iron fist she was a true matriarch and had become like a mother to me, she shared the many wisdoms one needed to rule and command respect. It was in the vale where I met Roslin Pryor of Pebble she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on she had shoulder length black hair and brown eyes, she had a boyish demeanor about her and the people of the the court of Arryn didn't usually pay much attention to her and regarded her as unremarkable but to me she was everything and now that I was on my way to the icy cold winterfell I remembered the first time I met her.

One year earlier, Daenerys pov

The moment I had stepped from my carriage and seen the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen standing next to Lady Jeyne Arryn in her shy blue and gold dress and I couldn't look away from her.

She locked eyes with me moments later and approached me with Lady Jeyne Arryn at her side . "Welcome to the vale princess, it is an honor" Lady Jeyne Arryn welcomed me but i could not tear my eyes away from the mystery lady "believe me my lady the honor is mine alone" I said as I gazed at her bewitched by her beauty she seemed to notice and I found myself blushing madly.

"Princess, it is an honor to welcome you to the vale." The lady beamed with a smile that made me want to take her face in my hands and kiss her forever. "Oh. Where are my manners this is lady Roslin Pryor"

"Of course, good day my lady" I greeted lightly brushing my hands against her's

"And yup princess." We were interrupted by a lout clap "come take the princess's things to her chambers" Lady Jeyne  ordered the sevants that stood behind her before turning to me."You must be starved from your travels, come we have prepared a feast." Lady Jeyne said as she started to retreat to the castle.

Roslin takes my hand and leads me into the castle and to a grand table with foods of all sorts waiting to be eaten. Lady Roslin sat to the left to me and lady Jeyne sat to my right at the head of the table. We all filled out plates and started individual conversations. Halfway through the hour I heard a clang on the floor but paid no mind to it until I felt my skirt being lifted, I excused myself from the current conversation and looked to my left to see an empty seat then I looked under the table to find Roslin, alarmed I looked from under the table to see if anyone had noticed anything but the were a conversing amongst each other then looked under the table one more as I felt a kiss on my inner thigh. "What are you doing my lady?" I whispered trying not to draw attention.

"Do you not like it princess, would you like me to stop." She whispered this time biting my inner thigh as I struggled to keep myself from letting out some unholy sounds."no!" I growled lowly"keep going" she smirked and continued to plant kisses on my thigh as I got my head up from under the table and continued my conversation with the lady next to me. The kisses grew higher up my thigh until I felt hot breath on core I took a deep breath in as Roslin kissed my pussy somehow no one had yet noticed Roslin's absence.

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