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Annoyed and angry were two of many things I'm feeling right now. Annoyed because I was rudely awoken by unfamiliar guards from my oh so peaceful dream about being in dorne and Angry because I was told that my uncle attacked my brothers and cousins after he had the nerve to steal vaghar my aunts dragon before she died duty I was also very proud because lucaerys took Aemonds eye, a fitting punishment if I do say so myself though the queen didn't seem to think so, figures, Aemond is her precious little boy, her not so sweet little angel.

My grandsire on the other hand was very frustrated with the whole situation. "How could you allow such a thing to happen? I will have answers." Never in my entire life had I ever seen him this angry he was always gentle and kind, this was a whole new side of him it might have scared me if I wasn't so bloody bored.

I watched from across the room as the maesters stitched up prince Aemonds wound, it was honestly the mostly satisfying thing I'd seen all day the prince winced every time the needle pearced his skin.

"The princesses and prince's were supposed to be abed, my king" ser Harold answered

"Who had the watch?" My grandfather demanded, he would have answers

"The young prince was attacked by his own kin, your grace" ser criston cuts in annoying me even more which I didn't think possible. "Oh gods" I rolled my eyes not even trying to hide my annoyance of this entire ordeal, honestly I just wanted to go to bed but not the entire castle must be here because my uncle claimed a dragon and got maimed on the same night.

"You swore oaths, TO PROTECT AND DEFEND MY BLOOD" grandsire shouted in the face of ser Cole which I think is well deserved, honestly no one asked his opinion.

"Apologies, your grace"

"It will heal, will it not maester?" The queen asked, as she watched as the maesters sew up Aemonds eye.

"The flesh of course will heal but the eye is lost, your grace"

"The kings guard has never had to protect targaryen from their kin,your grace" another guard answered causing me to scuff in annoying.

"Insufficient" I commented, if I had to sit through this consetionthingni would give my thoughts on the matter.

"I beg your pardon"

"Granted, ser criston tell me how is it that the prince Aemond was able to slip past you to exit the castle?" I asked, honestly it was a wonder no one had asked this already.

All eye were on the dornish knight as he struggled to find the right words" um, I was with the queen, escorting her to her chambers"

"I'm sorry my memory fails me I thought it was the princess Rhaenys who did that as the lady of the household?" I questioned catching on to ser criston Cole's lie.

"I did" my grandmother said confused on why the knight would lie about such a thing and by the look of it so was everyone else.

"So, ser criston I ask again where were you when my uncle decided to escape the wall of this castle?. Choose your next words carefully." I questioned sharply this time stepping closer to the lying knight. "I was asleep princess, outside the prince's chambers I fell asleep on duty"  ser Cole finally answered not daring to meet anyone's eyes.

"Right, because your sleep is more important than the life of a prince, yes?"

"No, of course not princess I apologize"

"Your apologies will not heal the prince's injuries" honestly I couldn't care less about Aemonds lost eye I just wanted to humiliate ser criston Cole. That's when my mother arrived with my father, Daemon close behind both looking disheveled. Mother went straight for my brothers while father stayed back leaning against the door in a Daemon like fashion truly unbothered, I gave him a short nod as I returned to my spot next to my grandsire.

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