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I am the son of Rhae Royce and Daemon Targaryen....

"Oh, gods are you really." Daenerys was beyond shocked after all it wasn't every day that one met their secret half-brother. "Well, um what are you doing in the north?" Daenerys asked curiously "I am in hiding apparently." Before Vaegon could finish Lord stark interrupted.

"You must be exhausted from your travels princess, please allow my wife to show you to your Chambers." Lord stark suggested "please lead the way." Before I followed lady Arra I turned and motioned for Katia and Leon to follow us with the maids.


"And this is your room, my lady " Leon opened the door for us before stepping inside and folded his arms as he stood still at the door.

"Thank you, lady stark," Daenerys said as Arra started to retreat from the room. "At ease soldier Leon." Dany giggled once Arra way out of earshot smacking Leon gently in the stomach.

"So...?" Leon dragged looking at Daenerys.

"So what?" Daenerys asked as she helped maids unpack her jewelry.

"What do you think of Vaegon?" Leon asked sharing a look with Katia "I don't think anything of Vaegon" Daenerys replied though neither Leon nor Katia was convinced.

"Oh, you know that's a lie!" Leon groaned.

"Leon!" Katia hissed pinching Leon's arm.

"Katia, she needs to stop hiding her feelings." Leon whined "come on Dany you have to think something of him because he certainly thinks something of you." Leon rambled as he shook Katia by the shoulders.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Daenerys asked putting down her jewels. "Oh, please did you not see how he was undressing you with his eyes." Katia whispered.

"Oh gods, you heathens he is my brother!" Daenerys gasped "oh please half-brother and you're a Targaryen everyone from your brothers to Leon are options." Katia shouted and Leon nodded in agreement.

"I admit Vaegon has an aura about him but that is all now I have been on horseback all day; I need a bath." Leon and Katia groaned at the lack of any actual gossip "how are we to get hot water this late!" Katia grunted.

"Lady stark said she had her maid prepare some water for a bath it is supposed to be in the bathing Chambers already." Dany said pointing to the door to the far-left corner of the room.

"Oh well I will take the chambermaids and get to it, Leon out!"

"Thanks, kat you're a sweetheart." Daenerys blew a kiss to Katia as she dragged Leon out the door by his armor. 


The next morning before the sun rose Daenerys decided to take a leisurely walk around the grounds of Winterfell castle when she took a wrong turn and ended up on the training grounds it was peaceful and tranquil, so Daenerys decided to stay and watch the knights in training try and fail to land a proper blow to their opponents, their commanding officer nowhere in sight.

"You parry too wide" Daenerys spoke up after the training session turned from amusing to sa1d.

"My lady" the knights all bowed in unison only now aware of the princess' presence before resuming formal stance.

"At ease gentlemen, as I was saying you all thrust too wide, it leaves your swords pointed all the way in the middle of nowhere, leaving you open and making it difficult to defend." Daenerys assessed while walking through the lines of soldiers.

Whispers flooded through the training yard as the men wondered aloud how a lady or princess would know such a thing.

"Now how can a well-bred lady such as yourself know such a information." A voice rang from the back of the crown of soldiers causing the men's faces to turn as white as the snow.

"Lord commander" one soldier gulped as Vaegon Royce their lord commander made his way toward the princess at which time Daenerys couldn't help but notice Vaegon's chiseled abs and strong jaw line, Vaegon was tall with broad shoulders and the infamous Targaryen long silver hair, but his eyes were unlike any Daenerys had ever seen before golden like the sun in the mid-day. His appearance was very powerful, and commanding made even more so by his tunic which was lose on his body with the sleeves rolled up exposing his arm making it very easy for one to see is bulging muscles.

"My prince." Daenerys greeted tearing her eyes away from Vaegon's chiseled chest. "Princess...well are you going to answer the question?" Vaegon reminds.

"What?" Daenerys asked completely forgetting what they were discussing Vaegon only rose a brow nodded toward his poorly groomed knights in training.

"Oh of course, I was taught to wield many weapons from the time I was a child determined to get as good an education as any man so that when I sit the iron throne I would be equipped and armed for anything." Vaegon smirked "they allowed that?" He asked "they?"

"The grey old men who fancy themselves above everyone else, those which who advise your grandsire the king." Vaegon clarified look deep into Daenerys eyes. "You'll soon find my prince that when I ask my grandsire for something he delivers no matter the circumstances and no grey old man will stop him or me, some call me spoiled for that and I am there is no shame in it." Daenerys responded and with every word her face came closer to Vaegons

"I don't think others would agree with that sentiment." Vaegon smirked tilting his head his hand crossed over his chest "I don't quite care what others think."

"Well then princess it is getting late, and the maids are due in your rooms mere moments from now, so I suggest you head back before they say you've runaway." Vaegon joked stepping a few paces back realizing he was way too close to Daenerys than was proper.

"Of course, good day gentlemen, my prince" Daenerys smiled before she started to trek back to her rooms, she could faintly make out Vaegon yelling at his trainees to get back to work once he thought she was far enough away.


Daenerys sat next to lady stark at the table as they all gathered for breakfast which was unusual for highborn families. Lord stark was naturally at the head of the table with lady stark to his left and Daenerys to her right with vaegon right across from her. the room was silent with only the sound of the cracking fire to be heard "How was training today boy? " Lord stark asked breaking the silence. 

vaegon chucked "they are still as pitiful as the day they set foot on these grounds." 

"Poor lads just barely out of boyhood thrusted into the knighthood by their cruel fathers all too eager to be rid of the. " Lady stark commented poking around the food on her plate. Their fathers may very well be furring covered monsters my lady, but they are not wrong in wanting to make them int men, the world is cruel, and everyone can sense a war brewing even if no one dares to say it aloud the people just want to be prepared. "

"Wise words princess" Vaegon smirked "cruel world or not princess those lads are but they are but six and ten at the least. " Lady stark rebutted with a smile as she hadn't an intellectual conversation with anyone in a long time, her husband found more joy in bedding his mistress than have a polite conversation with her and the ladies are too naive to have mature conversation.

"When war is waged, and the Knights fight for king and honor the stranger knows no age and everyone including the children are thrusted into the battlefield." vaegon and lord stark shared a glance for it was obvious that the two women were enjoying their little banter.  

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