the beginning of the end

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It was time to leave Driftmark and Daenerys couldn't be happier sure she would be saying goodbye to her brothers, but nothing would make her actually want to stay on an island with her mother and the queen. while the squires and maids were loading her things into the ship Dany took the time to say her goodbyes to the family members she didn't despise.

She sat upon the cannibal on the beach ready to continue her travels with the next stop being Dorne. Daenerys took a few moments to watch the ships housing her family sail away before she would take off.

"sōvētēs ñuha riñar!" Daenerys commanded and her dragons spread their wings and took to the skies. Fly my children!

Daemon watched with Rhaenyra from the balcony as Daenerys took off with three of the world's largest and powerful dragons.

"She hates you." Daemon said gazing into the sunset at his daughter and her dragons.


"She hates you and you seem to despise her" Daemon repeated now looking at Rhaenyra.

"So now you care? What about all those years ago when I came to you in Pentos, you turned me away for her." Rhaenyra spat jealousy radiating through her entire body.

"You know I couldn't no turn away from Laena or our girls I expect you of all people to understand that." Daemon was in disbelief Rhaenyra truly believed she should have mattered more than his own wife.

"What about me, you left me alone with those vultures, those savages with her the daily reminder of what we once had and what you gave up on!"

"And you took it out on her!!, you all but made her your whipping girl to take your anger and frustration for me out of her your heir, your DAUGHTER, MY DAUGHTER Rhaenyra my blood you hurt her." Daemon scream at Rhaenyra red in the face absolutely murderous.

"Just as you hurt me."

"You cannot think to punish a child for the actions of her father Rhaenyra you cannot especially not when that child should be the one to sit the iron throne after yourself." Daemon whispered to Rhaenyra taking her face into his hand gently with the other wrapped around her waist.

"I wanted you to come back to be Daemon, I wanted you to kiss me like you did that night in the brothel I wanted you to love me like you love her. I still do." Rhaenyra whispered her lips inches away from Daemons. "I need you uncle."


The plan was now in motion by night fall Laenor Valeryon would board a boat to Gods know where and Rhaenyra and Daemon would stage his death giving them an opportunity to wedding before word could reach the young princess of her "father's" death she received a raven from Daemon informing her of Rhaenyra's plans as to spare her considerable pain and of his success in seducing her. Rhaenyra hoped to marry Daemon to strengthen her claim to the iron throne, Daenerys knew it was an entirely useless prospect for anyone with eye could see what her mother was attempting and if she thinks the whispered would stop just by marry her uncle she was a fool for people would only grow even more suspicious of the circumstances of Laenor's death especially the remainder of the valaryon household whom she has surely made an enemy of.

Daenerys sat in her chambers in the dornish castle relishing her very first victory, there would be more to be sure but things would only become harder, but she would take what is rightfully hers with fire and blood but for now Daenerys must let herself be entertained by the very best Dorne had to offer and make political alliances.


As Daenerys landed on the Shores of Dorne she is greeted by the Prince Qoren of Dorne and his lady Wife. "It is of the highest honor to have you with us princess for these coming months." Prince Qoren greets bowing to the princess.

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