the blood of the dragon

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Dear sister,
I have received your letters and am happy to write the great success of my travels. How are the twins, how are you. Don't answer that I know you'll try to lie. I'd like to hope my uncle isn't a monster toward you but alas we both know it isn't true, as I know I cannot erase the horrible things that degenerate has done to you from your mind I leave with you a token in the parcel to which this letter is attached; the book we read to each other as children I hope that with this you may share with your beautiful children the joy we once shared while reading for hours in the gods wood and that the bond little jaehaerys and jaehaera is as sacred as the one we share. With all my love,
your sister Dany



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"Vaegon!" The voice of Daenerys took Vaegon from tending to his house. "My lady" Vaegon bowed his head before ushering a stable boy over to take his horse.

"Please we are family, you may call me Daenerys or Dany whichever you prefer" Vaegon chuckled "is there something you need nerys?" That was new, Dany did a double take; first at the choice as no one had ever called her nerys before and second the effect it had on her, how it sounded coning from his lips and the things it made her think it had been unlike anything she'd ever felt not the lust she felt for Roslin and certainly not the sisterly love she felt for jacaerys and lucaerys.

"Walk with me." Daenerys smiled unknowing that she had the same effect on Vaegon as he did on her and with that Vaegon offed his hand to the princess as she led them to the gods wood where they endured a long period of silence.

"I think-"


Daenerys giggled at the awkwardness of the situation "You go first" Vaegon shook his head "no you go first I insist."

"Alright, why have never heard of you or seen you? Why have you been living here instead of with us, your family in the red keep? Do you have a dragon? Have you met ou- your father? I'm sorry that was a lot." The princess ended her lighting speed questioning, she lowered her head feeling the heat rise in her pale cheeks.

"Um I've been here most of my life and never really wanted to go south, I saw my father kill my mother when I was five so my uncle sent me here to hide in the instant he came back for me, yes I do her name is Essovius. Technically no but I did see him kill my mother and you have nothing to be sorry for."

Daenerys wasn't surprised by the killing thing as she'd heard rumors of her father killing his first wife some time before her married Laena but hearing how Vaegon had to leave everything he knew at such a tender age out of fear that his own father might kill him was humbling, I definitely sounded like something Daemon would do but at the same time it doesn't.

"I'm sorry."

"Why, it's not your fault."

"I don't know I guess I feel guilty that I've lived happily surrounded by family." She'd also felt guilty because she was her father's pride and joy along with her half-sisters but Vaegon had none of this he had not experienced the love daemon was able to give to the rare amount of people he liked.

As Daenerys shared her thoughts Vaegon took the time to listen but also admire her and the little things she did like how she fiddled with the silver ring with the aquamarine gemstone on her finger when she felt overwhelmed or when her lips would twitch when she was thinking really hard. "You have nothing to feel guilty about, it's not your fault my father is a monster."

"Do you think you'll ever forgive him."

"Maybe if her ever puts in some sort of effort, god knows I wasn't close to my mother she hated the fact that she lay with him and she-"

"Hated you even more, it's like you were a constant reminder of the thing she wanted to forget." Vaegon was perplexed, there he was gazing into his nerys' eyes, and she look as though she knew his troubles all too well and it terrified him in a good way, she made him want to share all his secrets with her the good and the based.

"I have some experience in the mother- offspring hatred game and I know it's not fun." Daenerys said breaking her intense gaze away from Vaegon and down to o the ground as she kicked the snow under her shoe. "The blood of the dragon runs think in both of us but so does the drama."  Vaegon laughed, really laughed so loud it echoed.


Daenerys entered her room with a bright smile, Katia was already there putting out a dress and jewels for dinner.

"Ohh what got you skipping and hopping."

"Nothing" Daenerys tried to hide her smile but there was no point Katia was a mind reader. "Is it your chiseled god of a brother?" Katia teased twirling a strand of her hair. "So, what of it is?" Daenerys giggled plopping downing on her bed.

"I hate to say it but these weird Targaryen customs of shacking up with one's relative is oddly seductive and sensual." Katia said with a cringed look on her face. "it's not weird, it's completely natural with the right person it could be passionate and magical but with the wrong person it could be hellish and depressing."

"Like the marriage of our "good" prince Aegon and his sister wife our beloved Helaena." Katia reminisces with a sad look on her face as she took a seat next to Daenerys.

"Yes, theirs is a marriage although successful is full of pain and hellishness to the fullest extent, I would not wish what she goes through on my worst enemy." Daenerys knew the pain her dear sister had to endure night was one most lady have to experience as the prospect of a healthy, loving marriage was a rare thing and most men were horrible creatures who took pleasure in the pain of women and unfortunately one of these men happen to be her uncle.

"Come let us not go down that path, I have drawn your bath. We need to get you prepared for dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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