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Life was normal. People went to work, children went to school, all that stuff. Everyone minded their business and did their thing. The people lived ordinary lives as they should. They lived their lives to the fullest as they should. However, no one was prepared for what was coming next.

Without warning, monsters suddenly appeared out of nowhere; beasts that became known as the Eldritch. They began attacking humans, feasting on their flesh and every negative emotion they had. A lot of people died during those days; some even went insane, or so they said. Many were certain it was the end of the world, fearing the Eldritch will end humanity to take their place. But when no one expected it, a miracle happened.

In the same year, people began to develop supernatural abilities. It was at this moment humanity turned to these people for help. Immediately, every single superhuman was gathered to fight back against the Eldritch, turning the tides of this uncanny circumstance. With that, the Slayers were born as was the Division of Eldritch Affairs.

It has been fifty years ago since then, but now, everything is about to change.

Shadow Angel: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now