Our Promise

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After giving his friend some head pats and chin scratches, Cody and the Raven Eldritch walked into the cave and sat down. While in the cave, the Raven eagerly pecked at its friend's bag, knowing all of its favorite food was inside. It also detected a new scent in the bag that smelled sweet. Meanwhile, Cody laughed before reaching for the bag to open it. Once that was done, he took the steaks out one by one until there were twenty stacked on top of each other.

Excited, the Raven opened its beak to devour to steaks but was stopped when Cody lifted a hand. Closing its beak, it watched as the boy reached into the bag to pull out a circular object wrapped in a white cloth. Cody placed it on the side before turning the bag upside down. Suddenly, two dozen red apples fell out of the bag and onto the ground. As soon as Cody put his hand down, a pepped-up Raven started eating the steaks one by one. The boy smiled as he watched his avian friend eat before turning away to look at the dirt.

"Just so you know, I won't be here for long," Cody said as the Raven stopped eating to look up at him. "I have to help Mrs. Finch cook a feast for the holidays and I promised to spend time with the orphans. I tell you all the time how much they mean to me, so you understand."

In response, the Raven sadly moaned, for it did understand.

"But that doesn't mean you're not important to me as well," he continued. "The people I've encountered in the town and everyone I've known all my life know I visit you. I didn't tell them that you're an Eldritch, though. If I did, then I wouldn't forgive myself. I like having you around, so it's my job as your friend to protect you."

The Raven tilted its head to the right.

"The townspeople think you're some kind of recluse and the orphans are begging to meet you. The same goes for Francis." Cody chuckled. "I can already imagine their faces if they ever find out what you are. I bet their expressions will be priceless." He stood up. "Sorry to cut this short, but I have to head back now."

The Raven replied with a short caw as the boy turned around to look at him.

"Don't worry, I'll come back tomorrow. I may even bring some leftovers if there are any. Oh, one more thing before I forget!"

Cody knelt on one knee and reached for the circular object on the ground. Picking it up, he unwrapped the cloth around it to reveal an apple pie. The Raven's head perked up at the sight of it, for it realized the pie was the source of a new smell. It stared down at the pie as Cody placed it back on the ground.

"Mrs. Finch made that for you. I hope you like it. Well, I better go. I'll see you tomorrow."

The Raven watched as Cody walked out of the cave and into the cold. It didn't know why, but seeing the boy leave always bummed it out. But the Raven knew he will return as promised, for Cody was always one to keep his oaths. With that in mind, it looked down at the pie placed at its feet and pecked at it with its beak. From doing so, it managed to get a tiny piece of the pie in its beak and the taste made the corvid's eyes light up. The Raven opened its beak once more to consume the pie, but it turned back to the fifteen leftover steaks and apples. With that, it moved the pie to the side and resumed eating the steaks.


Cody rubbed his hands together as he made his way through the cold. Then, he stuffed them into his coat pockets and grinned as he thought about home. Cody was elated to think about all of the activities he will do as soon as he returns home. The image of helping Mrs. Finch cook dinner and playing games with the children brought him joy. But considering it was the holidays, this was special to him. After all, he and the orphans rarely have a Christmas like this one. Every year, they usually receive a bunch of presents from the neighboring town, but this year was going to be different.

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