The Homeroom Teacher

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As soon as breakfast was over, classes have finally begun. To Cody and Milo's surprise, they have the same homeroom teacher: Lester Kim in Room 1-4. Finding their respective class wasn't hard, for it was only on the first floor of the academy building. Once the two made it, they entered the class and found it packed with eighteen other students who had already taken their seats. Fortunately, two seats were vacant and Cody and Milo claimed them both.

While seated, Cody looked around at the other students in the room. He once again saw the blonde girl and the pink-haired boy, both of them sitting next to each other. The blonde girl was tapping at her phone, presumably texting someone. As for the pink-haired boy, he sat still, but his left leg was moving up and down. In addition, there was a girl with shoulder-length silver hair and pale skin with her face decorated with black lipstick and eyeshadow and her nails were painted black. The silver-haired girl also wore piercings on her ears and lower lip. In the corner of the room, there was also a boy with dark skin and unkempt dark blue hair wearing a large blue scarf covering his neck, shoulders, and mouth.

Finally, the homeroom teacher showed up and everyone stopped what they were doing to give him their attention. Mr. Kim was plain-looking with dark brown hair, gray eyes, and pale skin. He donned only a brown buttoned-up sweater with folded sleeves over a white collared shirt, a blueish-gray tie, blue pants, rectangular glasses, and brown loafers. Slung over the man's right shoulder was a dark gray messenger bag, which he placed on a more oversized desk. Then, he stood in front of his desk, facing the students as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Good morning, class. My name is Lester Kim and I will be your homeroom teacher for your first year of DEA Academy," Mr. Kim said in a monotone voice. "As you already know, you are all here to learn the discipline and teamwork required for being Slayers."

"Excuse me," the blonde girl said with a raised hand. "Why should we learn 'discipline and teamwork' if all of us were trained in DEA training facilities where we could've learned all that?"

Mr. Kim hummed in response before asking, "What's your name?"

"It's Autumn," she answered.

"Well, Autumn, discipline and teamwork are crucial to surviving a fight against even the toughest Eldritch to defeat, so we ought to remind you in case you haven't figured it out. Also, you're not the only one to ask me this question; there were others before you."

"Fair enough, I guess..." the blonde girl called Autumn muttered, crossing her arms.

"Anyway," Mr. Kim continued. "Here in homeroom, you will be taught the different classes of Eldritch you are bound to fight. You will also learn about the types of abilities you have and will use during your lives as Slayers."

"What about weapons?" Asked a male student with a bowl cut.

"Your physical training teacher will instruct you on that," he answered.

"Okay, when will we meet them?" Asked a female student with hair shaved on the right side.

"She will be coming here in two days and before any of you ask why, she just recovered from surgery. So until then, you're all stuck with me."

With that, almost every student groaned and grumbled, no one wanting to be deskbound. One student even rolled his head before placing it on his desk. Meanwhile, Autumn rolled her eyes as the pink-haired boy's left eye twitched. As for Cody and Milo, they just looked at each other for a brief moment before turning back to the teacher.

"I know, it sucks." Mr. Kim reached into his jacket and pulled out a notepad and pen. "Now, let's start the day by getting to know each other, shall we? Starting from the back, we'll introduce ourselves and say what our powers are."

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