Gus Aldine

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"That's Tilly's dad?" Cody whispered, watching the man sitting next to Tilly, who kept smiling at him.

"Yep," Lynn replied. "Gus Aldine, Morningstar City's Number One Slayer according to the Top Ten Slayers list."

Reminded of the list, Cody said, "Wei told me about that list. Who runs it, anyway?"

"News reporters on Morningstar News who cover Slayer affairs. Every year, they get viewers from all over the city to vote on their favorite Slayer. The Slayer who gets the most votes will be placed on the Top Ten Slayers list."

"I see. I was also told that the list changes every year, though."

"That's the thing with people: their tastes will change over time," Pearl chimed in.

Cody nodded before he turned back at Gus and Tilly. He watched as the older man opened his messenger bag and reached into it to pull out a small stuffed pink bunny holding a chocolate wrapped in pink foil. Tilly gasped with excitement upon seeing the toy before taking it from her father and hugging him, thanking him repeatedly. Cody grinned as he watched but turned to look at Lucien, who looked down at the floor as he kept shaking like a leaf. He frowned, not knowing what had gotten into his squad leader. Turning back to Tilly and Gus, he stepped away from the corner and walked up to the father-daughter duo as the others watched.

"What are you doing?" Milo whispered.

As Cody approached Tilly and Gus, the two looked up and noticed him. Before he could say anything, Gus spoke first, "Hello. You must be the newest member of Squad Nanami. Cody Byrd, was it?"

"Uh, yeah. That's me, sir," Cody said with a nod.

Standing from the bed, Gus continued, "Every Slayer at the Morningstar City agency wouldn't stop talking about you. I heard you helped defeat the Gorilla Eldritch at school and helped out during the Hawk Tower Incident."

"Did the other Slayers also tell you I'm a late bloomer?" Cody asked, even though he was nervous about Gus' reaction.

"They told me that, too." Gus nodded. "Seeing you now, I must say, you're not bad for a freshman and late bloomer. You're earning yourself a place in the spotlight, boy."

"Spotlight? What spotlight?" Cody raised an eyebrow, confused.

The older Slayer chuckled before wrapping an arm around the dark-haired boy's shoulder and pulling him into a side hug. "You've got potential, kid. How would you like to be my apprentice?"

Meanwhile, Lucien snapped out of his fearful trance and glared at Gus.

"Apprentice? Me?" Cody said, pointing at himself.

"Yep! My apprentice, no one else's." Gus gave him a wink.

"Is that even allowed? Taking an apprentice, I mean."

"NO!" Lucien shouted, and the room fell into silence as Cody and Gus turned around to look at him. He even got stares from Lynn, Tilly, Milo, and Pearl. Yet, he paid no attention to them as he breathed from his mouth and stared at the floor with wide eyes.

Looking at Lucien, Gus' jovial face turned into a glare as he released Cody from his hold and walked to the eyepatched boy. As the Slayer approached the corner, Lynn and Pearl moved away from their leader, dragging Milo along with them by the arm. Without looking up, Lucien balled his hands into fists as he felt Gus' presence in front of him.

"Lucien Nanami," Gus said, his friendly demeanor turning stern. "Do you seriously believe that as squad leader, you make all the decisions for everyone you meet?"

Lucien remained silent.

"Not talking, I see." Gus brought his face closer to the senior. "And I think I know why: because you're a coward."

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