Loki Mets Thor's Bride

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Loki's Secret Love

Chapter 1

It was a warm and sunny day on Asgard, and the palace was buzzing with excitement because Thor's marriage was coming up. Thor was engaged to a beautiful auburn harried Asgardian maiden. The marriage was pre-arranged by Odin and the father of the young maiden. The maiden's father was King of Vanaheim, his name was King Barrett. Today King Odin and King Barrett were in the throne room discussing the wedding plans of Thor and King Barrett's daughter Thor and the princess watched outside the throne room doors and talked amongst themselves. While they were talking, Loki came around the corner. Thor saw Loki coming and decided to introduce his fiancée. Thor said, "Hello brother! Have you met my fiancée, Princess Serena of the Vanir?" Loki looked the princess over and was impressed by what he saw. She was very beautiful-too beautiful for his oath of a brother. In fact, she should be with someone else who would really appreciate her. Of course, Loki had himself in mind. As long as Thor and Serena weren't married yet then he still had a chance to win her over and that's exactly what he planned on doing because Loki had his eyes set on Serena. Loki smiled at Serena and said, "It's an honor to meet you, Princess Serena. Then Loki bowed before Serena. Serena said, "It's nice to meet you too Loki." Loki said, "I guess the kings are still in their meeting." Thor said, "Yes, they are. They have been in there for over an hour and it's beginning to worry me." Serena said, "I'm sure nothing's wrong, Thor. You know how long fathers can be when they are talking about matters such as this." Loki said, "Yes fathers do talk a lot."

Suddenly, the Warriors Three showed up. Fandral said, "Thor I hate to bother you, but a matter of importance has come up and we need your assistance." Thor asked. "What sort of assistance?" Fandral said, "Asgard is in need of the future king because there is talk about an attack on Asgard by Alfheim." Thor said, "You mean the home of the Light Elves? They have never bothered Asgard before, why would they now?" Fandral said, "I don't know Thor. All I know is that there is talk about it. Since the All Father is in a meeting with King Barrett concerning your upcoming marriage to Princess Serena. We need your help". Thor turned towards Princess Serena and said, "I'm sorry my dear but duty calls." Princess Serena said, "I understand, Thor." Thor said, "Maybe Loki wouldn't mind showing you around the palace? How about it brother? Would you be willing to show Serena around?" Loki's eyes lit up with excitement, "Of course, my brother. It would be my honor to show Princess Serena around the palace." Thor said, "Thank you brother. I'll try not to be gone too long." Loki said, "There's no rush brother. Take all the time that you need. I will take care of your "fiancée" until you return." Serena said, "Please be careful Thor." Thor leans over and kisses Serena good-bye. It was a gentle kiss but not a passionate one. With that, Thor left with The Warriors Three, who was later joined by Sif. Loki looked at Serena and said, "Well then, are you ready for your tour?" Serena said, "Yes, I am Loki. 

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