Frigga Has Joined The Discussing

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Chapter 8

When Loki and Serena arrived at Queen Frigga's chambers, they knocked on the door, but nobody came to the door. Serena had a worried look on her face. Loki saw she had a worried look. So, he tried to reassure her, "This could only mean that mother is talking to them, which is good for us." Serena said, "Or maybe they are giving her a hard way to go about us being together." Loki said "Don't be so doubtful. You don't know my mother like I do." Serena said, 'I hope you're right." Loki was secretly thinking to himself, "I'm I right?" Loki said, "I know what we can do," Serena asked, "What?" Loki said, "Go to my father's throne room." Serena said, "But the guards won't allow us in. Thor and I already tried that earlier and they wouldn't allow us entry." Loki said, "Yes BUT that was before, my mother talked to them. The guards just might let us in now." Serena said, "I guess we could try it." Loki said, "Good, let's go."

Frigga was still in Odin's throne room talking about Thor, Serena, Loki and Sif. Frigga said, "Do you agree that Thor and Serena should marry the ones that they truly love?" Odin said, "You still haven't given us a good enough reason to allow the marriage of Thor to Sif and Loki to Serena?" Frigga said, "Isn't love enough?" Odin said, "And what if we don't approve of their "choices". Frigga said, "It doesn't matter what you approve or not. It's their choice and you should respect that." King Barrett said, "Can't you tell us why they made the choices that they did?" Frigga said, "That's easy. They are in love with each other, and you should respect that."

Thor and the others appeared back on Asgard. Thor asked Heimdall, "Where are my father and King Barrett?" Heimdall said, "They are still in Odin's throne room talking about your upcoming marriage." Heimdall continues, 'But your mother, the Queen of Asgard has joined in the decision. They wait for you Thor and Princess Serena." Thor said, "Well, then let's not keep them waiting." Thor looked at Sif and The Warriors Three and said, "Let's go to my father's throne room." Everyone nodded in approval. So off they went to Odin's throne room.

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