Thor Needs Advice

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Chapter 15

Serena tells Loki, "I can't believe that King Odin, the All Father, agreed to the marriage." Loki said, "I told you that my mother would get through to him." Serena asked Loki, "I wonder if Thor and Sif will have the same luck as we did Loki?" Loki asked Serena, "How do you know about them?" Serena said, "A woman knows when another woman is in love. I knew what Sif was feeling, the moment I saw her reaction when King Odin and my father announced my and Thor's upcoming wedding. She was sad and brokenhearted because she wanted to be Thor's wife. How do you know, Loki?" Thor and I are brothers. We talk about things." Serena said, "Well then you have your way of finding out and I have mine.", she smiled. Serena continues, "Besides, I think your mother also knows about Thor and Sif since she knew about us. I see now that we won't be able to kee[ anything from your mother.", Serena laughed. Then Serena suddenly realized that since Frigga knew about their feelings for each other, she probably knows about their little private time together. Serena asked Loki, "Do you think your mother knows what we did?" Loki looked at Serena in a funny way then asked, "What do you mean Serena by "what we did?" Serena said, "Oh, Loki, stop trying to be funny because it is not helping any." Loki smiled at Serena and said, "I know what you are referring to" Loki said, "If mother knew about it, she didn't tell my father or King Barrett, which is why I trust my mother with anything.' Serena just smiled at Loki.

Thor came to Loki's bedchambers because he wanted to talk to his brother. Thor knocked on the door and waited for Loki to come. Loki came to the door and when he saw it was Thor, he motioned for Serena to calm down. Loki said, "It's OK Serena. It's just Thor." Thor saw Serena in the room and apologized. "I'm sorry brother, I didn't know Serena was here. I'll come back later." Serena said, "No it's OK Thor. I'm just leaving. I'll talk to you later Loki." Serena kissed Loki good-bye. Serena said, "Good-bye Thor." Thor said, "Good-bye Serena and I'm sorry I interrupted you and Loki." Serena said, "It's OK. I was getting ready to leave anyway. So, everything is fine." Thor apologized again to Serena and Loki. Loki told Thor it was OK. Loki asked Thor, "What's wrong brother?" Thor said, "It's kind of embarrassing." Loki asked, "What is it?" Thor said, "Sif wants to have sex before the wedding BUT you know the rules about. It's not that I don't want to, just I don't want us to get caught. Then father will resolve and punish us. So, my question is, what do I do? Do I risk getting caught to be with Sif. or do I wait for the wedding night?"

Loki was surprised that Thor would ask him for sexual advice. Loki thought for a moment before answering his brother. Then Loki said, "Well, Thor, if it was me, I would make my intended happy no matter the risk." Thor said, "Yes but you can use magic to keep people out I cannot." Loki said, "No BUT you do have Mjoinir." Thor asked, "What good is that?" Loki couldn't believe how slow Thor was to catch on. Loki said, "Thor you can always put Mjoinir against the door so no one could open it. After all, you are the only one that can lift Mjoinir and would be hard for anyone to get in." Thor said, "I never thought about that, Loki." Loki said, "Of course, you didn't." Thor said, "Thank you brother." Loki said, "You are welcome." Loki continues, "A word of advice brother. Make sure you and Sif are quiet about having sex. Otherwise, someone could hear Thor said, "I never thought about that either." Loki said, "You have to think about these things if you are going to be sneaky about it." Thor said, "If I didn't know better, I would say that you have already done this before. I'm I right brother?" Loki said, "I'll never tell." Then both brothers just smiled at each other.

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