The Big Day Finally Comes

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Chapter 16

Finally, the day had arrived, the wedding of Loki to Serena-Thor to Sif. Serena and Sif were in Queen Frigga's chambers getting ready for the wedding. Serena's wedding gown was accented with gold around the neckline and shoulders, the sleeves were loose at the wrists, and the wedding gown's train was in the shape of a cape that hung over her shoulders and down to the floor, the cape was accented with gold specks. Sif's wedding gown was strapless, the front of the of the gown had a design on the front in the form of an angel, a silver belt like design with beaded chains around her waist, she had cape train too that went to the floor, the cape was made of sheer material. Both gowns were absolutely beautiful. Both of their shoes were white with crystal beads on them. Frigga's chamber maids helped them to get dressed. Once they had the wedding gowns on, they turned to Frigga to get her opinion.

Frigga said, "You both look absolutely stunning. My sons have the most beautiful brides of all. Serena said, "We just hope that they think so." Frigga said, "Of course they will, my dears. How can they not?"

In Thor's room, he and Loki were getting dressed. Thor and Loki were dressed in their finest Asgardian armors. Thor was dressed in his traditional red cape, black breastplate, with silver down it, silver plated arm sleeves and boots. Loki was dressed in his traditional yellow and green colors, with his green cape, his horned helmet, his black boots, with his green outfit with gold on this breastplate, and with gold arm bands.

Loki and Thor went to Odin's throne room and waited on their brides to be. Loki looked over at Thor and asked, "Nervous are you, brother?" Thor asked Loki. "Aren't you?" Loki said, "I'm more excited than nervous." Thor said, "I'm nervous but I don't know why. I have known Sif for years, but I never thought that one day she'll be my wife. Even though I have always had feelings for her." Loki said, "I knew that Serena was the one for me the moment I first met her." Suddenly the throne room doors opened, and Serena and Sif stood there in the doorway. Serena and Sif looked at each other, then waited for Odin's announcement. Odin said, "May the brides come forward to my throne and stand before me and beside your prospective husbands." Serena and Sif walked down the long hallway to meet Loki and Thor. Loki and Thor held out their arms for Serena and Sif to take. Serena and Sif took Loki's and Thor's arms.

Odin tapped his staff to get everyone's attention. Then he started the ceremony. Odin said a few words about love, protection of the realms, loyalty, the prospective heirs to the throne. As Odin was finishing up his ceremonial speech, he asked the couples if they accept each other as man and wife. They all said, "Yes." Then Odin said. "I give you your new king and queen of Asgard. One couple will stay here in the palace and rule and the other will have their own palace on Asgard. The choice is theirs to make." Odin continues, "Either way it goes, Asgard will have two kings and queens, which will make the people of Asgard very well protected. I, King Odin the All Father and Queen Frigga will step down as rulers of Asgard and whichever couple decides to stay in this palace will become the new All Father. The crowd cheered and applauded. Odin raised his staff, Gungnir and tapped it on the floor to silence the crowd. While Odin was silencing the crowd, Loki and Thor were talking amongst themselves about who was going to stay where. Thor got his father's attention and whispered to him what he and Loki had decided. Odin was surprised by the decision but accepted it. Odin raised his staff one more time to get everyone's attention. Odin said, "I have just been informed by my sons that they have made a decision on who's staying at the palace and who will make a brand new life at another palace. Loki will stay here in this palace and become the new All Father and Thor will start a new life in another palace on Asgard." Odin continues, "Loki, come here my son so that I might give you my staff, Gungnir, to make it official." Loki approached the throne and Odin gave Loki his staff making it official. The crowd cheered for their "new" All Father and king. 

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