Loki's And Serena's First Time

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Chapter 13

Back in Loki's bedroom, Loki was still kissing Serena. Then picked Serena up and carried her over to his bed and lay her down. Loki then got on top of Serena all the while kissing her. Loki started to run his hands all over Serena's body. He touched Serena's most sensitive spots sending Serena into ecstasy even though he was touching her through her cloths. Serena ran her hands over Loki's back, chest and over his ass. Loki loved the feel of Serena's hands on his body. Oh, to have her hands on his naked body, it would be pure pleasure. Serena was having the same feelings for Loki. She too wanted Loki's hands all over her naked body, but they had to wait until they were married. It wasn't proper protocol among the royals to have sex before marrying. Serena said, "Oh, Loki, how I wished we could really enjoy each other's bodies." Loki said, "Yes, I wish for that too."

Loki thought for a moment then said, "You know Serena, we could have pre-wedding night practice. You know, to get "used to it." he said mischievously. Serena said, "I would love that so much, but you know we can't. If we're caught, you know what will happen." Loki said, "I know the marriage will be called off and we will be punished." Loki continues, "But I'm willing to chance it. How about you, Serena? I could always put a protection spell on the door so no one could walk in on us. What do you think?" Serena thought for a moment. Then said, "Do you really think that you could put a protection spell on the door?" Loki said, "Yes, I know I can." Serena said, "OK then. Let's do it." Loki smiled at Serena mischievously.

Loki started to undress Serena, right after he placed the protection spell on his door. He started by unzipping her gown, then he kissed Serena's neck and shoulders as he slowly started to remove her gown. Loki trailed kisses down Serena's throat down to her voluptuous breasts. She ran her fingers through Loki's hair as he removed her gown, leaving her wearing nothing but her bra and panties. Loki continued to trail kisses down to her stomach allowing his hands to roam over her body. Serena sighs with pleasure. Then Serena started to undress Loki. Removing his shirt first then started kissing his chest and rubbing her hands over his chest. Serena then unzipped his pants and pulled them down slowly. Loki wasn't wearing any underwear, so his manhood was already exposed and erect already anticipating what was to come. Serena's eyes got big when she saw how big his manhood was. Loki saw Serena's eyes and asked, "Do you like what you see?" Serena blushed from embarrassment at his question, which made Loki smile. Serena finally said, "Yes, it's quite "impressive" she said with blushed cheeks. Loki then proceeds to remove Serena's bra and panties. Then they were both completely naked. Loki started kissing her body, trailing sweet kisses everywhere. Loki parted Serena's legs and then slowly inserted his manhood into Serena's sweet spot. Then started thrusting into her making her go into sweet ecstasy. This being their first time, Loki took it slow with Serena at first then quickened his pace as she got used to him being inside of her. Serena felt so blissed being in Loki's arms like this. Their hands and lips were all over each other's bodies in sweet passion.   

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