Loki And Serena's New Experience

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Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)

Serena woke up to the feel of hands on her body. It was Loki's hands. He was touching every part of Serena's body. Serena smiled at Loki and said, "Good morning my king." Loki looked up at Serena and said, "Good morning my queen." Serena said, "What a way to wake up-to feel the gentle hands of my king on my body." Loki said, "I thought you would like it." He said with a mischievous smile. Loki started kissing Serena passionately. Serena pulled away and said, "My king, we have to show Thor and Siff off this morning. They are leaving to go to their palace." Loki raised his head up from kissing her neck and said, "Thor and Sif are probably still sleeping or "something else". So, I don't know what's the big rush, darling." Serena said, "I just want you to make a good impression on your first day as the new king and All Father." Loki said, "Don't worry about it. I'll be ready by the time my brother is. Now let's stop talking and finish what we started last night." With that Loki's mouth came down on Serena's.

Loki got on top of Serena and started kissing down her body. When he got to her breasts, he took one breast in his mouth and ran his tongue over her nipple and gently sucked it. When he finished with that breast, he did the same to the other one. The feel of Loki's mouth and tongue sent Serena into sweet ecstasy. Then Loki flicked his tongue over Serena's sensitive nipples. Serena ran her hands through his hair and down his back. Then ran her hands around to the front of his body and rubbed her hands on his chest. Loki loved the feel of Serena's hands on his body. Loki kissed her even lower to her stomach. Then still lower to the sensitive spot between her legs. This sent Serena over the edge with ecstasy and passion. Loki let his mouth linger there for a while. Serena threw her head back in a fit of passion and ecstasy. Seena called out Loki's name in passion, "Oh Loki." Loki continued his sweet torture on her sweet spot between her legs. When he had his fill of her sweetness, he kissed Serena's inner thighs before kissing her back up to her mouth.

Serena said, "Now it's my turn." She kissed Loki's chest, she flicked her tongue over his nipples. Then kissed him down to his stomach. When she reached his cock, she took it into her mouth and ran her tongue over its shaft and tip. Then she sucked gently on his cock. Making Loki moan in pleasure. Serena kissed his inner thighs before starting her way back up to his mouth. Loki couldn't control himself any longer, he inserted his cock into Serena's womanhood, her sweet spot. Loki then started thrusting himself inside of her, spilling his seed into her. Serena said, "That was pure joy and amazing." Loki said, "Aren't you glad we stayed in bed a bit longer?" Serena smiled and said, "Yes." Serena continues, "But we really need to see Thor and Sif off." Loki said, "Ok if we MUST." Serena said, "Of course we MUST. It's part of your royal duties as the king and the All Father." Loki said, "Yes, I know. I just hate leaving this bed." he said mischievously. Serena just smiled at him.

Loki and Serena left their chambers to go and see Thor and Sif off. Thor said, "The All Father and his queen have finally arrived." he said with a big smile. Loki asked Thor, "How did you sleep brother?" Thor said with a huge smile, "Very well and you brother?" Loki smiled and said, "The same as you, brother." Serena and Sif just shook their heads. Loki said, "Well brother, I guess you are in a hurry to get to your palace?" Thor said, "Yes, I am. I'm ready to start my new life with Sif. Just like I'm sure you are with Serena." Loki said, "Yes. So, until we meet again brother, I wish you and Sif well." Thor said, "I wish the same for you and Serena." The brothers embraced in a hug as did Serena and Sif. Thor then hugged Serena and Loki hugged Sif. Then Thor and Sif left to go to their own palace and Loki and Serena started their duties as king and queen of Asgard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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