The Wedding Night

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Chapter 17

After the wedding, came the reception where all of Asgard got to meet their new kings and queens of Asgard. Loki, Serena, Thor, and Sif stayed at the reception for a little while before going to their chambers. Thor and Sif will be heading to "their" palace tomorrow morning but tonight they will stay at Loki's palace with Odin and Frigga, who will remain at the palace. Frigga came up to Serena and Sifi and hugged them. Frigga said, "My daughters, I have wanted daughters for so long and now I have them." Thor said, "Well, mother, we never knew that you wanted daughters instead of sons." He said jokily. Frigga said, "Oh Thor, don't be silly. You know I love my sons. I was referring to how long it took you two to find the perfect women. Especially you, Thor with Sif fighting alongside of you ALL of these years and you couldn't pick up on any signs that she had feelings for you. Shame on you, Thor." Frigga said laughing. Frigga continues, "And as far as you Loki, you fell for Thor's fiancée. What am I going to do with you boys?" Frigga said smiling. Thor and Loki smiled at their mother and Loki said, "I guess all you can do is love us mother." He said, smiling at Frigga. Frigga said, "Oh Loki, I DO love my sons." Frigga then hugged Loki and Thor. Loki whispered to his mother, "Mother, Serena is feeling lonely because she lost her mother during childbirth, can you give her a little extra attention." Frigga said, "I already knew that because King Barrett told Odin and me but of course, I will show a little more attention to her. I know she misses her mother. Especially on this day." Loki smiled at his mother and said, "Thank you mother."

After the reception was over, Loki and Serena and Thor and Sif retired to their bedchambers. Loki and Serena entered the bedchamber for the first time as man and wife. Loki asked Serena, "Do you remember the last time that we were in my bedchambers?" Serena said, "Yes, I do my king. Very well in fact." she said smiling. Loki said, "Well, this time it will be different because now we're husband and wife." And smiled mischievously. Serena said, "I know that look. It means that I'm in trouble." Then she laughed. Loki asked Serena, "Which form do you want me, darling? My Asgardian form or my Jotunheim form?" Serena asked, "Can we make love in your Jotunheim form?" Loki said, "I don't know but we can try if you want to?" Serena thought for a moment. Then finally said, "Let's try it in your Frost Giant form." Loki asked, "Are you sure? I'm a lot stronger and heavier in my Frost Giant form. I don't want to hurt you." Serena said, "We could always try and if it doesn't work out, we can stop."

So, Loki transformed into his Frost Giant form. Serena looked at Loki in all his beautiful Jotunheim form. Serena said, "You are so beautiful." When Loki transformed into this Frost Giant form, his clothes were ripped off of him. So, he stood there completely naked in Jotunheim form. Before Loki transformed into his Frost Giant form, he used his magic to reinforce his bed so it could withstand his weight. Serena looked and saw Loki's finest Asgardian leathers torn on the floor. She said, "Oh Loki, your royal leathers are torn." Loki said, "Don't worry about it darling. I can fix them with my magic when we're done." Loki continues, "Now let's see how this will work." Loki stepped closer to Serena, still wearing her wedding gown. Loki said, "I don't want to rip your beautiful wedding gown. So maybe I should transform back to my Asgardian form and take it off of you." Serena asked, "Can't you just use your magic to fix it afterwards?" Loki smiled at Serena and said, "Yes I can." Serena said, "Don't worry about it then." Loki smiled mischievously. Then with one gentle pull of Serena's wedding gown, it was torn off of her body. Serena stood there completely naked before Loki's hungry eyes. Loki then moved closer to Serena and took her into his arms. Then started kissing her. Serena took her fingers and traced the different designs on his skin. Loki loved the feel of her touch on his body. Loki then picked Serena up and laid her on the bed. He then gently and easily lay on top of her. Serena just realized how heavy he really was in his Frost Giant form, but she promised she would try. As they kissed, Serena ran her hands over Loki's body tracing every design she found. Serena. Then suddenly Loki broke off the kiss and said, "Serena, I'm going to try to insert my cock inside of you. Let me know if I hurt you."

Then slowly and gently he inserted himself inside her. At first Serena jumped at the coldness of it but it soon got warm inside of her body. Loki felt Serena jump and asked her, "Darling, did I hurt you?" Serena said, "No. It was just a little cold at first but it's fine now." Loki smiled at Serena. Then finished inserting himself inside of her. Serena could feel her body stretching to take all of him inside of her. At first there was a little pain but not enough to make him stop. Then Loki started thrusting himself inside of her. With each thrust came a new feeling. Serena was beginning to feel the full force of Loki's Frost Giant cock, but she didn't want him to stop. Loki could tell that Serena was beginning to feel the full force of his weight, so he pulled himself out of her, much to Serena's disappointment. Loki transformed back into his Asgardian form, and he felt Serena's breathing getting better. Serena looked up at Loki and asked, "Why did you change back to your Asgardian form?" Loki said, "I could tell that I was hurting you and I didn't want to do that." Serena said, "I was OK with it." Loki said, "But I wasn't. That's why I transformed back to my Asgardian form. It will be easier on you this way." Serena said, "I could have taken it." Loki looked down at Serena's beautiful face and said, "No, baby you couldn't. I could feel your breathing heavy and feel you twitch with pain as I thrust inside of you. But once I transformed back to my Asgardian form, you started breathing easier." Loki continues, "So let's finish what we started." Serena smiled at Loki. Loki then entered Serena again and this time she felt no pain. Loki started his thrusting motions again. This time without any fear of hurting her. Serena ran her hands over Loki's body as he kissed her everywhere. Starting with her lips, down to her breasts, then further down to her stomach all the while he was thrusting himself inside of her. Then Loki finally spilled his seed deep within her. Serena felt it when Loki's seed came inside. It was the best feeling she had ever known. To have her husband slip his seed inside of her. Loki and Serena lay in each other's arms after a night of sweet passion

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