Odin Summons Loki And Serena

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Chapter 14

While Loki and Serena lay in each other's arms, there was a knock-on Loki's door. Serena said, "Loki what are we going to do? They can't catch us like this." Loki said, "Be calm my darling. I will take care of it." Loki answered the door, "Who is it?" The person on the other side of the door replied, "Sire, it is your royal guard. King Odin has requested the presence of you and Princess Serena in his throne room." Loki put his finger to his lips and a shushing motion to Serena. Loki answered the guard, "Tell my father that Princess Serena and I will be there in just a moment." The guard said, "Yes, your majesty." Then he left.

Serena said, "That was a close one, but I wonder what your father wants with us?" Loki said, "We will soon find out." Loki and Serena got out of the bed, Loki used his magic to dress them because it was quicker that way Serena looked down and saw that her dress was back on, and nothing was out of place. She looked at Loki and he was dressed in the same clothes that he came in the bedroom with because he knew if he changed clothes, then there would be suspicions.

They left Loki's bedroom as if nothing had happened, then went to see the All Father. Upon arriving at the throne room doors, the two guards allowed them to enter. Serena whispered to Loki, "Isn't that strange? The guards normally ask what we want." Loki whispered back, "They know my father sent for us." As they approached the throne, they were holding hands. As Odin turned around to see Loki and Serena holding hands, he addressed them. Odin said, 'I see you are letting your engagement be known." Loki asked, "Why shouldn't we show our affections for each other. After all, father, we ARE engaged to be married very soon, may I add." Odin looked at Loki and Serena and said, "I hope that's all you are doing is holding hands. I would hate to call off the marriage and punish you both."

Serena looked nervous and Odin saw it, "What is wrong Princess Serena? Is there something that you need to say?" Serena said, "No, your majesty. I'm just excited and nervous about the marriage." Odin raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why would you be nervous about the wedding?" Serema said, "Because we are so much in love that it's hard to keep it inside." Odin nodded his head in agreement. Odin said, "I just wanted to make sure that you are following the royal protocols." Loki said, "Yes father we understand." Odin said, "Very well then, there's nothing to say is there?" Loki said, "No father. All is how it should be." Odin smiled at Loki and Serena and said, "Good. I'm glad temptation hasn't set in yet or that my son has not convinced you that it would be alright, Serena." Serena smiled at Odin and said, "Loki has been a perfect gentleman, All Father." Odin said, "Good. You may leave now." Loki and Serena bowed before Odin then turned to leave.

Odin said, "Wait!" Loki and Serena stopped dead in their tracks and turned around to look at Odin. Loki said, "Yes, father, was there something else that you need us for?" Odin said, "Yes, we have yet to discuss your royal wedding arrangements. What are your ideas concerning your wedding?" Loki and Serena looked at each other and said, "Yes father, we will certainly discuss our ideas with the royal staff at once." Odin said, "That is very good to know. Why don't you do that right now?" Loki said, "Yes father we will. Is there anything else that you wished from us?" Odin said, "No. Just get your wedding plans arranged." They bowed before Odin again and then left the throne room. 

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