The Couples Face The Kings

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Chapter 9

When Loki and Serena arrived at Odin's throne room, Lok asked the guards "We wish to see my father, King Odin. It's very important." One of the guards said, "I'm sorry Prince Loki but the All Father has asked not to be disturbed by anyone." Loki got upset and said, "Didn't you hear me when I said it's very important!" Frigga heard Loki's voice outside the door. She tells Odin, "Let him in!" Odin gave Frigga a hard look, but Frigga stood her ground. Frigga repeated herself, "I SAID LET HIM IN ODIN!" Odin nodded to the two guards that were on the inside of the throne room and they opened the door to allow Loki and Serena in. The guards on the outside of the doors looked surprised. One of them said, "By the order of the All Father, Prince Loki and Princess Serena are allowed inside." Upon this the guards on the outside stepped aside and allowed them entrances. When Loki and Serena entered the throne room, they saw King Odin, King Barrett and Queen Frigga. Loki and Serena just looked at each other. Frigga

When Thor arrived at Odin's throne room, he went through the same ordeal as Loki. Once again, Frigga demanded Odin to let Thor in. So once again, Odin obeyed his queen. Thor took Sif by the hand and told The Warriors Three that this was a private matter between him and Sif. They understood and then left. Thor and Sif walked into the throne room. Thor saw Loki standing there with Serena at his side. Thor knew that Loki had fallen for Serema just like he had hoped he would. Frigga said, "Good everyone is here and now we can start discussing marriage details." Odin said, "You mean to tell me that Princess Serena's in love with Loki and Thor is in love with Sif. I thought you were joking when you told me of this."

Frigga said, "Exactly! Why would I joke about something as serious as marriage." Frigga continues, "And it's THEIR CHOICE, which we all agree to honor." Odin got mad because Princess Serena had fallen for Lok. Odin said, "What sort of trickery did you do to Princess Serena to make her fall in love with you, Loki?" Loki said, "I didn't use any magic on her father or trick her in any kind of a way. We just have things in common more than she and Thor do." Odin said, "I don't believe you..." Frigga cuts Odin off, "Enough Odin! You heard what Loki said, they have more things in common than her and Thor. How dare you think our son would do something so devious as forcing someone to love him!!" Then Odin looked at Thor and Sif and said, "I suppose you have the same story as your brother? You and Sif have more in common as well?" Thor said, "Yes, father. I care for Serena but not in the way you want me too. I care for her as a friend or sister." Odin looked back at Serena and asked, "You feel the same way about Thor?" Serena said, "Yes, your majesty."

Odin walked over to King Barrett and said, "My son, Loki is a crown prince of Asgard. He is just not the oldest of my sons." King Barrett looked at his daughter and asked, "Is he the one you want, my daughter?" Serena said, "Oh yes, father. I love him and he loves me." Both kings shrugged their shoulders. Then Odin finally speaks, "Very well then. It looks like we have two marriages to get prepared for. That of Loki to Serena and Thor to Sif. Are you sure this is what you want before I decree it? They all said, "yes" Odin took his staff, Gungnir and tapped it on the floor then said, I, Odin the All Father, proclaim this engagement sealed and binding and nothing or no one can undo this, which I have proclaimed." Loki, Serena, Thor, and Sif looked relieved. Frigga smiled at the happy couples. Loki and Thor smiled back at their mother. 

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