Sloppy Seconds

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"Cold pizza

Tie-dye shirts

Broken hearts

Give'm here, give'm here

Hand me downs

Give me give me leftovers

Give me give me sloppy seconds

Give em here, give em here

I don't care where you've been

How many miles, I still love you..."

- Watsky "Sloppy Seconds"


"What are you doing?" Colton's groggy voice asked me unexpectedly. 

My heart stopped for a prolonged second. I'd been caught. Looking over at Cole, I gripped the cool doorknob in my hand a little tighter, wishing this wasn't happening. "I am getting a head start on my day. Figured I would go downstair, make some breakfast for Penny and go to work."

Cole rubbed his tired eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. He blinked a few times, clearly not accepting the time. "It's almost five in the morning. Come back to bed."

I knew what time it was but little did Colton know that I had been up for several hours. For some reason, I had woken up in the midst of my sleep and couldn't seem to fall back asleep. I'd taken a half hour to aimlessly watch the minutes tick by on the nightstand clock. However, I soon realized if I weren't going to go to sleep, I should be doing something productive. 

So, I got up and took a shower. I came to realize when I got out that I had no clean clothes. It dawned on me that when Colton first brought me here that he had my bedroom closet stocked with a whole new wardrobe.

I wasn't surprised when I sneaked in my room, where Penny was sleeping, to find he had kept all the clothes. I picked out an outfit: white, slim fitting, button up shirt, black skinny jeans and to add come color I went with a pair of red pumps. 

The bathroom, connected to my old room still had some make-up and a curling iron. I had grabbed those items before I left to go back to Colton's bathroom, where I figured I would finish getting ready. 

It wasn't until I stared at myself in the mirror -  fully clothed, make-up on and hair curled to perfection - that I wondered what in the hell I was doing. I was taking my sweet time getting ready when shit, essentially, hit the fan yesterday. 

Briefly, I thought about Garrett, but I ended up forcing myself to think about another topic. His death was not something I wanted to digest just yet. However, I knew I would have to sooner or later - I was just choosing the later. 

It was at that moment that I knew the promise I made Colton the night before was jack shit. There was nothing heard about Chey's whereabouts, so it was time for me to step up and take action. I was leaving to head to the office when Colton stopped me. 

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