Wrecking Ball

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"Don't you ever say I just walked away

I will always want you

I can't live a lie, running for my life

I will always want you”

- Miley Cyrus “Wrecking Ball”


"Alice, you can’t ignore me forever.” Colton proclaimed after being in the car for two hours with my mute self. He stared at me for a prolonged second before focusing back on the pavement that was flying under the tires of his car. Clenching his hands on the steering wheel a little more, Colton gave a sigh in frustration. “It is for the best that you leave town for a while. Your mother and I agreed that when you father gets home tonight it wouldn’t be best that you were home. He would be sad and depressed, seeing him like that might throw you back in your ‘isolation mode’. Plus, you clearly need some supervision - running off like you did. Not only once but twice! Didn't even tell me where you were going. I was seconds from sending out a search party for you, both times ... you worry me, Alice ... you just don’t understand how much you do...”

I bit down on my tongue so hard that I could practically taste blood. I wished more than anything that I could get out of this car. It has been pure torture not to reply to him. Of course the words that were going to spew out of my mouth were not going to be PG-13 and they were more than likely going to be said with so much venom that he couldn’t help but feel guilty for throwing me over his shoulder in the diner and forcing me to join him to New York City.

Tapping my index finger, from my right hand, on my thigh, I inhaled through my nose. Damn, I thought, his car smelled so good. It was scented with the thick aroma of what could only be described as lavender and lemons. As weird as the combo sounds, it permeated throughout his car and smelled amazing.

“I am assuming you are not going to tell me what the Hell happened to your lip.” He muttered in a tone that leaked with anger as he pointed out my busted lip. I could tell, from the corner of my eyes that he was shifting around in his seat every few seconds, which showed that he was controlling his anger. Running a hand through his dark locks, Colton huffed. “Maybe it is wise you don’t tell me. They wouldn’t live to see tomorrow if I knew their names...” He trailed off in thought.

My eyes flickered over to the passenger window. I wanted to tell him but if I did, he would turn this car around and find the person that did this, even if it took him twenty years. You see, when Colton has something set in his mind, he does it and doesn’t think twice. While I wanted the man that tried to kidnap me to pay, I knew Colton couldn’t be the one that did that. If he did, he might get hurt in the process and I couldn’t have that.

“I feel like I’m talking to a wall,” Colton confessed a couple minutes later. His dark orbs once again gazed over in my direction. “Alice, please say something...” His sights settled back on the road.

“Fuck off,” I mumbled as I put my elbow on the passenger door and leaned my head on the palm of my hand.

“Watch your language, Alice,” He spat in anger at my use of a curse word. “I taught you better,” Colton added.

Smiling at him, I nodded. “You did teach me better ... I’m sorry, Daddy.”

Colton gave a deep rooted growl as he shifted in his seat. “I liked it better when you were silent,” He commented.

“I liked it better when we were in Florida,” I commented as I saw a sign that said ‘Welcome to Valdosta, Georgia’. Turning back to look at Colton, I sighed. “I think the reasons for taking me to New York City with you are stupid.”

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