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"Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky

Are like shooting stars?

I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now"

- B.O.B "Airplanes" ft. Hayley Williams


“I know what I want for this week,” I stated as we sat in the back of the limo. It had not been but five minute since we got in the car that I thought I’d just spit it out. I figured there was no since in harboring it in because there was a high chance of me changing my mind the more I thought about it.

“Well, what is it?” Colton questioned as he looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.

“When we were in the restaurant ... I thought about what to ask you for. Everything from a television to a bed frame popped into my mind.” My head turned and I glanced out the tinted passenger window. Every fiber of my being was deathly afraid that my request was going to be shot down. “I couldn’t decide because I wanted something that was going to make this punishment, which you’ve served out to me, bearable. I wanted to request something that at the end of the day was going to make me happy...” I trailed off as I tried to gather the courage to tell Colton what I wanted.

“Just tell me, Allison,” He demanded, knowing I was stalling.

My head snapped back in his direction as my eyes locked with his green orbs. “One day,” I said without even stuttering, surprisingly. “One day of you being Colton. No Mr. Sharp. No punishment. Just one day of us forgetting the past two years happened - us forgetting that we stopped being friends-”

“We never stopped being friends, Allison.”

I chose to ignore how that was not true, “One day with you being Colton is all I need right now ... I can’t remember a time when growing up that I wasn’t happy to be around you, Colton. It made all my bad days bearable because no matter what happened I had you ... While I know after the day will end you will be going back to being Mr. Sharp ... I think just the mere memory of the day we spend together will be enough to keep me going,” I admitted.

“Allison, I don’t think it’s a good idea ... How do you know this one day with me being Colton is not going to crush you the next day when I’m back to being Mr. Sharp? How do you know that one day is going to be enough-”

I chuckled, “You were seventeen, about to be eighteen, and I was seven. It was a Saturday and we both were in your room. You were playing some video game as I laid curled up in your lap ... It started to rain outside and I asked if we could go play out in the rain. You paused you game and without hesitation you said: yes. We both ran out of you house like mad men. The second our bare feet touched your lawn we got drenched in rain. We spent what felt like hours out there, in the rain, smiling, laughing, and having a blast...

“Three months before I stole the money from Duke,” I proclaimed “... Something happened to me ... Something I don’t want to tell you ... or anyone ... but it was something I can never erase from my mind ... something I can never get over. I considered suicide. I was depressed and no amount of alcohol or drugs could numb me. Expect one thing: that memory.

“I don’t have,” I continued, “any substances to numb me and make me forget about the situation I am in with you. I don’t think, anyways, any amount of alcohol is going make my situation any better. I need something - something that is going to help me get through this, whether it’s a few weeks or a lifetime ... I want a new memory Colton. One of you and me, happy.”

“You can’t force happiness,” Colton informed me.

My heart shattered in two as the word ‘force’ rattled around in my mind. “Force?”

“Well, isn’t that what it’s going to be? One day in which you pretend I’m Colton and Colton only. One day in which I pretend you are not a druggie that stole from me.”

My eyes narrowed, “No, Mr. Sharp that is not what I perceive it as. I thought of it as a day in which we forget about the past two years and -”

“Pretend to be happy! Pretend, Ms. Snow is exactly like forcing. You are forcing us to have day in which we forget, but you and I know that in the back of our minds we will not truly be happy on that day because we both know that the next day it will go back to me being Mr. Sharp and you hating me.

“It is better,” Colton added, “That you keep those memories of you and Colton being truly happy. Our one day together would shatter what precious memories you have left...”

My hands balled up into fist so tight that my knuckles turned white, “You're scared,” I stated, boldly.

Colton looked at me with a confused and shocked expression. “Scared?”

“Yes, scared. You are scared that if you allow yourself to be Colton for one day that you will grow soft on me or, even, regret what you are doing to me, even more.” I started to piece it all together, “I mean, that is your issue right? Being soft on me while keeping the Mr. Sharp image? I see it now, Colton, every time you show your nice side you snap back - even harsher - into being Mr. Sharp. All because you are-”

“Scared?! Yes, Allison, I’m not afraid to admit I’m scared, but it damn sure ain’t about me! I’m terrified that you will be targeted if I’m nice to you! You can’t comprehend how many enemies I have! How many people want me dead or see me weakened. You are a weakness, Allison. One I’m a damn fool for keeping around. I should have never brought you into this world...”

“I brought myself,” I retorted for I didn’t want him to pin this all on himself, for once.

“Doesn’t matter, you are knee deep in my business life, Allison. I don’t like it. I don’t like how I have to yell at you or punish you like this ... but, I have to...”

I unbuckled and scooted over to Colton. I wrapped my arm around the back of his waist and pulled myself to his side. I placed my head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry you have too, Cole.”

Colton wrapped his arm around the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. A soft exhale escaped his lips before he spoke, “Me too, Alice ... Me too...”



I know this is short but I felt like if I added anything else to this chapter it would ruin the car scene. So, I ended it short....

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Smile, VoteSmile, Comment and, did I forgte to mention: SMILE!!!

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