Ugly On The Inside

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"On the outside you are gorgeous
On the outside you are fair
Oh you can change your face but it's a waste of time
Cause it don't change the fact that you're ugly on the inside

You've lost your charm, lost that glow
It's safe to say you lost control
And you just can't go back to the days before the dark side.."

- The Maine "Ugly On The Inside"



My head snapped up to see Chey standing in front of me with a puzzled look. “Yeah?” I asked her as I sat up straight in my desk chair and pretended not to have just zoned out for the millionth time today. 

“Are you okay? I have been standing here trying to strike up a conversation with you for the past minute.” Her eyes lingered on me as she gave me a bewildered expression, clearly unsure why I was zoning out.

I sighed and shook my head, “I’m sorry ... I am just a little out of it today.” Placing a pen that was in front of me, back in the pen holder, I wondered if I should just run away right now. An escape was worth the try ... right? I mean, I’m already damned.

Looking at the clock on my computer, I noted that Mr. Sharp had been in the meeting with Garrett McCarter for a collective ten minutes. Any minute now I was expecting a macho man to walk up to me and force me out of the building, in which I would be placed in a car that would take me to Garrett’s house or wherever he planned to hold me at.

My stomach flipped at the mere thought I’d never see this place again. I might never see Chey or ... even Colton.

I frowned and then mentally slapped myself for I was not suppose to think about Colton because the thought of him would only remind me of Mr. Sharp, the man he had become.

“Let me guess: Chad.” Chey stated as she snapped me, once more, out of my thoughts.

“Chad?” I questioned for I had no idea who the hell she was talking about.

Chey rolled her eyes, “Don’t play dumb. Chad, the guy you are hopelessly in love with. The one that raised you and seems to love you right back, if ya know what I mean.”

“Oh, yeah ... Chad.”

“Is he in New York now?” She inquired with hopefulness.

Unsure of what to say, I leaned back and contemplated on how I could explain all that is going on. However, I realized there was no metaphor I could throw at her to get advice or get her to understand what I was going though. There was only really two options, I would tell her it was nothing and hear her hound me for an answer in which I would have to make up a petty excuse for my mood. Or ... I could just tell her the truth.

My eyes locked with Chey to see she was seriously worried about what was going on and wanted to help. Leaning forward, I knew the words that were about to leak out of my mouth would get me in trouble by Mr. Sharp - but then again, I was leaving this place. I was now Garrett McCarter’s problem.

“You want the truth?”

“That is all I ask for,” She responded with a raised eyebrow at what I was getting at.

“The truth is, Chad is not really Chad he is M-”

“Allison Snow,” A woman called from behind Chey. I looked around Chey to find Mrs. Lamar, the woman that works the floor below us. As known as the floor where Mr. Sharp has his meetings  “I was sent by Mr. Sharp to escort you to a meeting.”

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