Seventy Times 7

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"Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know,

like how to deal with despair, or someone breaking your heart.

For twelve years I've held it all together but a night like this is begging to pull me apart.

I played it quiet, left you deep in conversation.

I felt uncool and hung out around the kitchen.

I remember I kept thinking that I know you never would,

and now I know I want to kill you like only a best friend could..."

Brand New "Seventy Times 7"


By the time, I reached my house I was hoping this was all a horrible nightmare, one I would wake up from in a matter of minutes. However, I knew the second the limousine tires came to a halt in my driveway, that this was my reality. Colton had walked in my life and after getting a glimpse of my dark side, he tossed me out like yesterdays newspaper.

“We are here,” Larry stated as he opened the door for me.

I got out of the backseat and nodded, “Thanks.” I looked at the front door to see my mother standing in the threshold with an angered expression. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Colton had told her about how I stole something. As I walked towards her, I wondered if he told her what I stole or who I stole from. Knowing Colton, he wouldn't tell her all that — he spared the details for Colton liked being the one person that knew everything.

“Allison, I can’t believe you!” Mother spat as I reached the porch steps. “Stealing! You know better!” She informed me as I pushed past her and walked into the house.

Father, who was sitting on the couch in the living room, looked away from the televison and over at me.  I wanted to say something about grandma, but I kept my mouth shut for the look on his face said it all, he was disappointed in me too. “Grounded,” Was the first words out of his mouth. “You are grounded for seven weeks. No argument.”

I bit my tongue.

“In those seven weeks, you are only allowed to use your computer, and that is for taking your online classes.” Dad stated as he told me the guidelines to me being grounded and also reminding me that I had to take online classes for the classes I failed last year.


Father expression said it all, he was shocked that I took his punishment so easily. But the fact of the matter was I didn’t plan on being here for long. Tomorrow I was going to run away — so Duke and the other won’t come here and harm my parents in the search for me.

“Where is your phone?” Mother asked me as she walked over to my dad and sat down beside him. “I tried calling while you were at Colton’s but you never answered.”

I knew she was bring up my phone for she wanted to take it up as part of my grounding. “I don’t have it. I lost it,” I truthfully told her.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, “You lost it?” It was clear that she didn’t believe me.

“Yes, I lost it. It happened the day before yesterday. Hence the reason I didn’t answer your calls or, even, call you,” I informed her.

“She is not lying, Sandie. Look at her,” Father stated.

Mother studied me for a second before shrugging her shoulder. “Very well. Go to your room.”

I turned around and was only able to take two steps before Mother spoke, “Oh, Allison - your father and I are going out tonight. While we are gone, we have hired someone to watch you because we know you have the tendency to sneak out, especially when grounded.”

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