Hey Brother

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"What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call.
What if I lose it all?
Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do."

- Avicii "Hey Brother"


As I lied in the my bed staring at the ceiling, as if it held all the answers in the world, I replayed all that happened last night.

Mr. Sharp had decided that he’d play his old part and be the man I remembered, Colton. However, there was something in his eyes. Hidden behind those brown orbs, he was forming a plan. 

I sighed knowing I cannot trust him. Colton had transformed into Mr. Sharp, a man that is not only a drug lord but also, kills, beats and does gosh knows what else to people. If he doesn’t do it personally, then he sure as hell permits his gang members to do it for him. 

My eyelids closed as I suddenly remembered Duke telling me about his sister and how she was to be killed if he didn’t capture me. 

Every fiber of my being wanted to believe that Colton didn’t order that hit. I reminded myself, as my eyes opened once more, that he was not Colton. 

My agenda was simple. I was going to push him to be every ounce of the man I remembered until he snaps and shows his true colors. My plan of having a new memory to survive on was long forgotten. I know now that that cannot be. I cannot just survive off a new memory - the old ones would have to suffice. 

Laying there, I wondered when my plans had changed. However, as my eyes took in every inch of the ceiling over me, I knew I need to see Colton for who he really is now. I need him to act like he did in the past and then harshly snap back to being Mr. Sharp. 

I was certain, as day is day and night is night, that the moment he breaks his act and becomes Mr. Sharp again, I’d fully - wholeheartedly - believe and accept that Colton is gone. Only then would I be able to look at him in a different light and, maybe, just maybe come to terms with all that I’ve damned myself too. 

Sitting up, my eyes flickered over to the alarm clock to see that it was seven o’clock in the morning. I began to wonder what the day held, let alone when it would start. 

It was then that I realized, if Mr. Sharp must play the part of Colton, then I must play the part of the old Allison. 

Slipping out of bed, I made my way out of the room. 

It didn’t take me long to find Colton’s room. When I did, I opened the door and strolled in without knocking. I paid no heed to the room for my eyesight was settled on the resting figure that was sprawled out on the bed. 

I had every intention of waking him. Yet, I paused when I stood directly beside his bed and instead of waking him, I just stared straight down at him. 

Not much had changed in two years. He still slept with his lips slightly parted, allowing a soft, light snore to escape. His hands were tucked under the pillow that his head rested on. As for his face, it was wiped clean of any emotion, rendering him to look innocent and incapable of harming a fly. 

That thought made me almost chuckle as I noted for the millionth time that he was not the same as he was two years ago. He was Mr. Sharp - my warden. 

As soon at that thought wormed its way back in my thoughts I remembered I had a  plan to stick to. 

Reaching down, I poked the sleeping figure. “Wake up, Sleepy Head.” 

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