Run, Baby, Run

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"Run my baby run my baby run

Run from the noise of the street and the loaded gun

Too late for solutions to solve in the setting sun

So run my baby run my baby run"

- Garbage "Run, Baby, Run"


“Hello?”A masculine voice asked from the other end of the phone.

“Hey, Quintin, it is me: Allison,” I spoke just above a whisper. I’d no idea why I was talking so lowly, it wasn’t like anyone could hear me for I was in a motel room with no residence on either side of the room I resided in. Plus, I was in the bathroom that was located in the back of the motel room, so no one walking by would hear me. Yet, my voice only spoke willingly if it was in a low tone.

“You shouldn’t call me, it is not safe,” Quintin told me quickly as his voice also was just above a whisper. However, I knew the reason behind our low tones were different. He was, probably around Duke’s gang and was talking softly so they wouldn’t hear.

“I know, but I need your help, Quintin. Also, I need to know where you want me to drop off your car.” I told him as I sat down on the cold pink porcelain toilet.

“Make it quick: what do you need?”

“I need to know anything you know about Duke’s boss.” I honestly told him as I started to twist my bottom lip, lightly, with my index and thumb of my left hand, in nervousness because I had no idea how this conversation would go.

There was a shuffling sound on the other line. “Hold on,” Quintin proclaimed. A rustling sound, of what seemed like paper, was heard before what sounded like a closing of a door. “Alright, what were you saying?”

Deciding not ask what he was just doing, I cleared my throat. “I was asking what you knew about Duke’s boss.”

“Allison ... Don’t get tangled in this-”

“Quintin, I’ve never really had friends in my life. However, two years ago when I was fighting my demons, you took me in. You’re the closest thing, right now, to a friend. I need your help ... I don’t wanna die, Quintin ... and as for getting tangled in this, I already am. No turning back now.”

Quintin didn’t utter a single word for a good minute before he released a sigh. “I don’t know much, Allison.”

“Just tell me what you do know.”

“He doesn’t live here in the city or at least that is the word around the mill-”

“Do you know his name?” I asked hoping that he would give me more information than I already know, so I would have a platform to start from.

“They call him The Boss or Mr. Sharp and we both know those are aliases. Honestly, I don’t know his real name. He has taken extra precautions to make sure no one finds out.”

“Has anyone ever seen him?”

“No one but Duke. Hell, I am not a hundred percent sure Duke has seen him. But, I do know this, while no one has seen Mr. Sharp, everyone fears him. Duke can just threaten to send one of the guys to Mr. Sharp and they will behave like a trained puppy. Rumors around here are that he spares no one and if you stare at him for too long he will gouge your eyes out-”

I gulped, “Y-You don’t really believe that ... do you?”

Quintin paused for a minute as he considered his words and beliefs. “I am not quite sure it is true. However, truth or not, the guy strikes fear without even being here.”

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