We Can't Stop

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“It's our party we can do what we want

It's our party we can say what we want

It's our party we can love who we want

We can kiss who we want

We can sing what we want”

- Miley Cyrus “We Can’t Stop”


I’d never been in a room that you could practically suffocate yourself with the tension in the air. However, I was now in that position as I sat in the living room with Colton, watching America’s Funniest Videos. Let me tell you something, there was nothing funny about the situation I was in because, currently, Colton was sitting next to me with a pissed off look planted on his face. It was evident that what I showed him in the backyard was still on his mind.

A frown found my face as I wondered if that was the best idea. I mean, I knew he would react this way, but I just wanted to show him how much him leaving affected me. It literally drove me on the verge of insanity because he was everything I have ever known and in a blink of an eye he was gone.

Getting up from the couch, I decided that no one was making me stay in here and I would feel much more comfortable in my room ... alone. Saying not a single word to Colton, I left the living room and went straight to my room. Once in, I closed the door and looked over at my white quilted bed. I noticed it was made up and I began to wonder if it was Colton who made it up or my mother. Either one seemed plausible to me.

I considered laying down and slipping back into my ‘isolation mode’, as Colton would call it, but the thought of what he would do if I did such a thing made me disregard that idea. I finally found myself sitting in my desk chair. I spun around a few times, out of boredom before deciding to turn on my phone, that I shut off the day before the funeral - because I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

When my phone was finally on I saw that only one person, in the collective four days it had been off, had texted me. I wasn’t shocked because I don’t have friends. Not saying I am not a social person and I don’t know people because I do know people ... just not the kind of people a typical teen would know. No, in fact, the people I know are the kind of people your parents warn you against ... the kind of people I don’t want Colton finding out that I socialize with.

With all that said, one of those every people, who goes by the name Quintin, had texted me not but an hour ago.

Quintin: 1287 Jackson Street - 11pm - Code: Snakebite

I sighed as I realized he was texting out the address of the next rave. I nibbled on my bottom lip and spun around, once more, in my desk chair as I stared at the cell phone screen.

There would be drinking, most defiantly.

Drugs would be super easy to get a hold of, without a doubt...

Before my grandmother’s death I would have jumped at the chance to go to this rave. It had the two best medications to numb everything I was going through but now ... now I was actually considering my opinions...

There were a few things that turned the idea of going to the rave sour. The list started with the fact that Colton wasn’t going to let me out of this house without asking me where I was going, that much I knew. I also was fully aware that I can’t lie to him, never had been able to... Plus, there were going to be people at this rave that I ... let’s just say I have made some enemies - well actually, that is a lie, I have only one enemy and from our last encounter I know it wouldn’t be good for me to cross paths with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

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