Shut Up and Let Me Go

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"Shut up and let me go

This hurts, what I can't show

For the last time you had me in bits

Now shut up and let me go

For fear of living in regret I changed this one when we first met"

- The Ting Tings "Shut Up and Let Me Go"


Three Years Ago:

“Allison, calm down,” Mother urged from the couch as she flipped the page in her Cosmopolitan magazine that rested in her lap. Mom’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she saw me pacing back and forth in front of the black leather couch she sat on.  

I ignored her and continued my pacing, with the added action of biting my thumb nail. “I cannot stop,” I admitted to my mom. The only thing I could hear after I confessed how I couldn’t stop was the squeaks of the hardwood floor under my feet and the sound of the grandfather clock in the corner of the room. The clock’s constant ticking only reminded me of the seconds that were passing by.

“Well, I’m going to go take a bath,” Mother stated as closed her magazine and got up from the couch. She gave me a small smile, “Don’t worry, Dear. You will have the time of your life tonight.”

I gave her a scowl. “Don’t go! Stay here! At least until he comes!” I pleaded. The look on my mother’s face said it all; she didn’t care about how I needed her by my side until Bryan Newton got here.

You see, currently, I was awaiting the arrival of Bryan, who had asked me out the day before yesterday. While I, at first, told him no, my mother convinced me that I should go out with him. She kept rambling on about how I never get out of the house because I always come straight home after school and stay locked in my room, even on the weekends, as I waited for Colton’s call.

It pained me that he was gone to college and I only see him on breaks - after all I was so accustomed to seeing him every single day that it was hard moving on to only seeing him once a month.

I was just over the moon that someone invented phones because without which I don’t know how I would survive without Colton.

“You will be fine,” Mother stated before abandoning me in the living room.

I tried not to be hurt that she didn’t stay until Bryan came. I mean, after all, isn’t your daughter’s first date supposed to be like a big thing?

I remember eavesdropping on a girl in my class, who was telling her friends about her first date. She exclaimed that her mother took a thousand pictures of her and her date before they could even walk out the door. The girl, Roselle, even stated that her father gave her date the ‘drill’.

Sighing, I knew that would not be the case. My parents weren’t attached to me like parents should. Guess that is what happens when someone else (Colton) basically raises their child.

Running my hands through my straight honey blonde hair, I gave a sigh. I was beyond nervous because I’ve never gone on a date before.

What if I make a fool of myself?

Suddenly, I heard the dreaded sound of a car door closing.

My heart picked up as I began to regret agreeing on going on this date. Plus, what if Colton calls and I miss it? Even though mother told me she would tell him I was out, I couldn’t bear the thought of missing his call. My mother voice popped into my mind: “You never get out, Allison. Go on the date with the guy! Have a little fun, unless you're a chicken,” She teased.

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