Flower burns alive

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Request from my cool kid bestie westie Luckgay

On a beautiful summer afternoon Flower was playing flower power with Ruby (she forced her to) and yk they were having a little bit of fun but then Gelgay (/ref) comes over and is like "hey Flower ur stupid go kys" and Flower takes it so offendingly and seriously that she grabs a lighter and burns her self alive but when she died she came back alive again and she was like perfectly normal "what the fuck is this shi bru💀" Flower complains (cutely and majestically btw) and she got up from her bed and went outside to ask Gelgay about what has happened and he says "what do u mean I think u have some mentally ill crap going on bro tf" and Flower sighs very LOUDLY as she walks away and goes back to her house but then Loser says "loser haha!!" And burns her alive and she never recovered and she loves her life as a fucking vegetable☺️

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