Lollipop quits her lesbian career

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"sigh...guys..." Lolly Wolly Bolly Polly yells in lowercase while taking out her lesbian license. "What is it" Pencil asks "like we like- care lmao" "stfu match" bubble says "u stfu ur fucking fat" "MATCH WTF" pencil interrupts "GUYS STFU" Lollipop screams. "I'm..quitting my..." (The suspense is real guys) "" "WHAT IS IT ALREADY😾" Ruby yells "I'm quitting my lesbian career..." Lollipop the unqueer piano tiled zebra unhomosexual straight shirt pattern food says.. dramatically "what." Everybody gasps majestically (even Golfball who doesn't care at all and wasn't even listening through half of the conversation) "UR BANNED FROM THE GIRLIE HANGOUT IF UR NOT..." Match screams "gonna be the usual Lollipop u r....😕😕😕😕" Pencil finishes off as everybody kicks Lollistraight out of the door

And she was never seen again🙀

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