Chapter 2

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A knock comes on the door, and Sam opens it.

"We need to talk, right now." Kira says, showing Sam the file.

"Hey, what's that?" Sam asks her.

"Your mother wants to sue me and my family because you and your sister went missing."

"I told her that it wasn't your fault, and that me and Tara had got kidnapped. I also told her that you and your family saved us."

"Well she finds it kind of fishy, and there are a lot of crazy things in this file that could send us to jail. Including you. Your mother hired me as your lawyer to make sure you don't go to jail for murder, and now she's trying to put us in jail for kidnapping. Honestly, without a second thought, the judge and the jury will send me and my family away. Including your best friend."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry, you didn't do anything."

"Yeah I know, but I still feel bad that my mom is putting you through this. I'll try and talk to her."

"Thank you." Kira leaves.

Kira's Law Firm.

While walking inside the building, Kira gets stopped by her two best friends Tyler, and Rachel.

"What are you two doing here?" She asks hugging them both.

"We got bought here for a case." Rachel tells her breaking the group hug first, with Tyler following her afterwards.

"What case?"

"Your case." Tyler tells her.

"I'm sorry?"

"We are the lawyers Alicia Sandy hired for her to win the case to sue you."

"And you both accepted it?"

"We haven't gotten any new cases at Parsons Valentine after you left, so getting a case that was offered to us, we took our shot." Rachel tells Kira.

"With billable hours and us having no money rolling in, we almost had to file for bankruptcy."

"I'm sorry to hear about that, but I have to go."

"Wait." Rachel stops her. "How is Derek?"

"He's doing great with his wife and kid being on the way."

"He's married? Since when?"

"Since 3 months ago. He proposed to his girlfriend in April and they got married in May."

"How did they do it so fast?"

"They already had it planned out. Bye." Kira leaves.

Abandoned Bank.

In a volt, Willa touches Wynter's hands.

"It's okay, we're gonna get out of here soon. I know Wyatt will save us." Willa tells her.

"I know, but you have been in here for 6 months. What if we die here?"

"We won't. Trust me."

Middle of the road.

Eli is driving his car, as Wyatt is crying on the passenger side, scrolling through Wynter's phone.

"At least we found her cell... That means something." Eli tells him.

"It means she was taken." Wyatt cries. "It only means one thing."

"It means she not Willa are dead, Wyatt... And that there's still a chance."

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