Chapter 9

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"I would love it if you two came to my birthday party." Jed tells Corki and Danny.

"I don't know Jed, are you sure you want to throw a party after watching your friend die?" Corki asks him.

"Please, it would mean the world to me." Jed begs.

"Alright, I'll go." Danny tells him.

"I guess I can go too." Corki agrees.

Attaway General.

Braeden has been discharged from the hospital, so she is setting baby Everett into the baby carrier, as Derek gets all of her things together.

"Is that everything?" Derek asks her, when he finishes.

"Yep." Braeden responds, then she looks at Derek. "Are you okay? Between you finding out about my ex-girlfriend, and Willa dying in your arms like Boyd, that's a lot in one day."

"It's nothing I can't handle. I go through it day by day."

"But it's still okay to feel sad, hurt."

Derek starts to get teary eyed. "I was hoping when I came here, nothing like this would happen. I thought I left that all behind in Beacon Hills."

"It's okay. All of this will be over with before you know it, and then, we can go back to living like normal people."

"There is no more normal, and I don't want our son having this life."

"Derek... What are you saying?"

"I'm saying... I want to leave Charleston. Just me, you, Everett, and Eli. Just the four of us."

Hale Loft.

"Ever since Tara gone missing, and Willa dying, us Charleston kids have to stick together." Eli tells Wyatt and Ethan.

"I'm with you." Ethan says.

"I can't deal with this right now." Wyatt said, walking out of the loft.

Eli follows him.

"Wyatt? It's going to be okay!"

"It's going to be okay? Really?" Wyatt turns to look at Eli. "Everywhere we go, people die. Alec, Lori, Theo, Davina, and now Willa. I can't deal with losing anymore people I care about Eli!"

"I know that Wyatt. But you have to push through, it's what Willa would have wanted."

"No. I'm done. With the supernatural, deaths, you. I just can't deal."

"Wyatt... We can't break up, we have to get through this, together. Please." Eli cries.

"There is no more together." Wyatt leaves.

Back inside the loft, Peter has just dragged Kira to the back of a room.

"What do you want, Peter? I have a case to do." Kira tells him.

"That Tara girl is still missing, right?" He asks her.

"Yeah, so?"

"I know what happened to her."

"What happened?"

"Apparently while she was leaving school, someone came behind her, and put some type of liquid in her system by syringe. I asked the school to show me the security footage, and they showed me. I asked them to send it to the police."

"Did it show who did it?"


Ethan, who was hiding, hears the conversation as he walks away.

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