Prologue, "The Girl In the hat"

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[Reader's Pov]

I sat on top of a taxi, in an abandoned junkyard. The revolver was right in my lap. 
I could end it so easily... It would be quick. I mean sure, I've made my fair share of mistakes but do I really need to just end it all?

My hand hovered over the gun. The thoughts in my head keep getting louder, telling me to put an end to my misery. The screams of those people, I just can't handle it.

So I pick up the the gun and hold the barrel to my temple. The gun shakes in my hands a little but I steady it and take a deep breath, pulling the trigger. The gun doesn't go off.

I then remember I didn't load the gun yet and take a relieving sigh. I look around into the night time sky, noticing the edgy glowing of the moon.

Y/N: "Now That, sure is beautiful."

A voice then interrupts,
?: "Yep, Sure is."

My eyes follow the voice, noticing a small figure in a baseball cap. It was too dark to spot any colors.

Y/N: "Uhh... Hey there." I wave.

The shadowy figure waves back.

?: "I was gonna wait for you to kill yourself, then take your taxi. But I guess you've changed your mind?"

Y/N: "No, the chambers empty..."

?: "I'd give you some of my bullets but that's kinda pointless... can I just have the keys to your taxi?" They gesture at the vehicle.

Y/N: "They're somewhere around here. I tossed them."

The person groans.
?: "Why would you do that??"

Y/N: "I didn't know anyone was going to ask for them, let alone someone friendly. Most people would just shoot me and take the keys."

?: "You better be grateful I'm not 'Most people'."

Y/N: "Uhh... Thank you?"

I raise an eyebrow. I rub my head for a second and take another look at the figure.

Y/N: "Are you a girl?..."

?: "That's the least of your worries, help me find these keys." The girl takes out a shotgun and starts walking off.

I leave the taxi and follow her; the moonlight transforms her from a shadowy figure to a young girl wearing a blue and white cap with a D logo on the front. She is dressed in a blue coat and a red scarf.

?: "Not that my opinion matters or anything but... What you were trying to do is pathetic."

Y/N: "Yeah, you're right..." I shove past her.

?: "Mhm?"

Y/N: "Your opinion doesn't matter."

?: "Good one, jerk."

Y/N: "Do you want help finding these damn keys or not?"

She shrugs and follows me through the endless walls of cars and trash.

?: "So which way did you throw the keys?"

I don't answer her and keep walking around, making my way to the east side of the junkyard. I hear a jingle beneath my shoes and stop walking.

Y/N: "Hopefully these are the right keys." I toss her the car keys.

She catches the keys.
?: "Thanks."

The girl walks off for a second but quickly  turns around.
?: "Uhh... Since you're like suicidal and all. You wouldn't mind helping me get this taxi out of the junkyard, right?"

I let out a tired sigh.
Y/N: "Sure."

As I follow the girl through the junkyard, I begin to notice a loud groaning, but she doesn't seem to notice. A Walker appears out of nowhere and leaps on top of her.

?: "SHIT!"

She fights hard to keep the walker off of her. I take out my blade and sever its head.

Y/N: "You need to be a little more careful than that." I hold out my hand.

The girl just stares at me for a second before taking my hand.

?: "Thanks..."

Y/N: "No problem."

?: "Although, I totally had that."

Y/N: "Not from this angle."

?: "Ha--Ha. Very funny."

We make it to the taxi, I unlock the door and open it for her.

?: "Wow, what a gentleman..." She Rolls her eyes and gets into the passenger seat.

I hop in and close the door behind me. I start the taxi.

Y/N: "Buckle up."

?: "I'm not a baby, you don't have to tell me." She puts her seatbelt on.

I drive out of the junkyard and make my way onto the highway. The car drifts down the road. I peek over at the girl a couple times.

Y/N: "So... Do you have a name?"

?: "Clementine."

Y/N: "Nice name."

Clementine: "If you say so..."

Y/N: "I like the hat, where'd you get it from?"

Clementine: "My dad gave it to me."

Y/N: "Where you headed, Clementine?"

She looks out the window.
Clementine: "Anywhere away from here..."

Y/N: "You got bad history here?"

Clementine: "You could say that... What about you?"

Y/N: "What about me?"

Clementine: "Your name, for starters."

Y/N: "(Y/N)"

Clementine: "What about the weird shaped knife?"

Y/N: "The blade?"

She shakes her head.
Clementine: "Same thing, dork."

Y/N: "My uncle got it at Comic con. It was originally a prop but the guy decided to weld it down to make it cooler, it's pretty badass and gets the job done."

Clementine: "Yeah, it's pretty cool. Can I have it? since you wanna kill yourself. What's that all about anyways?"

Y/N: "I..."

Clementine: "Y'know, actually... You don't have to answer, that's a touchy subject."

Y/N: "I've killed alot of people recently."

Clementine: "Who hasn't?"

Y/N: "Wasn't self defense this time, wasn't just assholes either... Children too. And my--"

The taxi starts to sputter.
Clementine: "Shit, we're out of gas... Please tell me you have something stored in the trunk."

Y/N: "I did, but got rid of it since I was planning to end it.";

She groans.
Clementine: "You've got to be kidding me."

Y/N: "Guess we'll have to stop somewhere."

Clementine: "I know a place, c'mon."

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