Part Two, "Ties that bind."

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[Clementine's POV]

We were in Tripp's Van; driving to the junkyard. I sat across from Y/N in the backseat, noticing him fiddling with his necklace.

Clementine: "So, Uhm. Y/N, when I found you at that junkyard were you traveling with anyone, maybe a relative... or a girlfriend?"

Y/N: "No, all alone... Why do you ask?"

I quickly respond;
Clementine: "Just... curious." I rub my arm and look out the window.

Y/N: "They say, 'Curiosity kills the cat'."

Clementine: "Not this one."

Y/N: "Not yet."

We both smile at each other and I start to laugh a bit.

Tripp looks into the rear view mirror.
Tripp: "You two, stop flirting back there. I just got those seats cleaned."

I shake my head and look out the window. Y/N pokes my arm to get my attention.

Y/N: "So, Clementine..."

Clementine: "What's up?"

Y/N: "What was your childhood home like?"

Clementine: "Uhm, it was nice. I had a pool, a treehouse too. Me and my babysitter would play pretend alot in that treehouse."

Y/N: "Oh, really now?"

Clementine: "Yeah, Sometimes I'd pretend to be sisters with my babysitter or play pirates; whatever popped up into my imagination."

Y/N: "That Sounds, so painfully suburban."

I chuckle as he says that.
Clementine: "So, what made you ask that?"

Y/N: "I just like hearing your voice..."

We both stop talking as an awkward silence fills the car. I start playing with my hair and look out the window.

Tripp: "Is This it, Clementine?"

Clementine: "Yep."

Tripp: "Let's find that taxi and send y'all off."

We all step out of Tripp's Van and continue our path into the junkyard.

[Reader's POV]

Clementine: "Jesus, must've been hundreds of them..."

I nod and walk closer to the junkyard entrance, finding a cassette player on the ground next to a walker. I take my blade and Jam through the walker's skull.

I then hear a car door close, before I could react, a little girl pounced on me and wrapped her arms around me.

Girl: "Uncle Javi!"

Y/N: "Uhm... Do I know you?"

The little girl opens her eyes and backs away.

Girl: "I thought you were—"

Tripp: "Hon, where are your parents?"

Girl: "My stepmom and me got separated when all of those muertos showed up, I hid in the car and waited just like my uncle said."

Y/N: "What's your name?"

Girl: "Mm—Mariana."

Y/N: "Nice to meet you, Mariana. Let's go look for your family, okay?"

Mariana: "Okay."

I then hear an intense groaning in the distance. I notice a woman and a boy stuck in a truck. Walkers are piling up against the truck door.

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