Part Four, "Here goes nothing..."

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[Reader's POV]

After David reunified with his kids and wife; he left, taking Gabe and Mari. And he let the new frontier soldiers toss us into quarantine.

Y/N: "Well, that sure was a warm welcome..."

I walk over to a bench and lay down; letting the adults argue it out. Is it stupid that I kinda miss Clementine right now? Shit, I only met her a couple days ago what the hell is wrong with me?!

And what I did earlier, totally had the chance to kiss her... She's just so—

Tripp: "Well, Y/N. What do you say we do?"

Y/N: "about what?"

Tripp: "How do you want to play this? Cause I ain't gonna make nice with new frontier after what they did to our home," he says with hands on his hips.

I sit up and face the group, they all look at me like they're genuinely waiting on my response.

Y/N: "Oh, Uhm... We should probably play this smart for now, one of them is his brother so we could explain the situation to him. I'm sure he won't be happy that his wife was shot by his own people."

Conrad: "Well, whatever you do... I'm gonna find that bald motherfucker who stormed our gates."

Y/N: "No way!  I call dibs."

Conrad: "my Francine died because of him."

Y/N: "We can tag team him."

Conrad: "I'm down for whatever, as long as he pays."

Y/N: "Good. But anyways, Tripp, We should use Javi's connections here to get us out."

David opens the door.

David: "Hey."

Javier: "Hey..."

David: "I would've been here sooner, but I had to take care of... something. Come on, already! Kate's asking for you. Maybe you think it's okay to keep a lady waiting. Thought I taught you better than that."

Javier: "Lead the way."

David: "Gladly."

Tripp: "Looks like the rules don't apply to everyone, huh?"

David: "That's right. Some people get out of here early. Others stay a long fucking time."

Eleanor: "Tripp... just drop it, okay?"

David: "Smart cookie, this one."

Javier: "Kate's family. I have to go. You understand?"

Y/N: "Go. She needs you."

He nods and they leave.

Tripp: "So what do we do now?"

Y/N: "Relax. Even if Javier fucks this up; they'll have to take us out of this place eventually. Either to be exiled or executed."

Conrad: "not sure I like either of those."

Y/N: "If it comes down to them trying to kill us; I'll come up with a plan or something, I always do."

Tripp: "Well, I trust you, kid. You've gotten us out of a jam before."

Jesus: "Seems this group relies on you, Y/N. Think about your next move carefully."

Y/N: "they're all capable adults, I'm just the smartest here, no offense."

Tripp: "None taken, you're a natural born leader."

Eleanor: "Careful, Tripp. Keep feeding his ego and he might end up becoming like you."

Tripp: "What's wrong with becoming like me?"

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