Part Seven, "Evil Underneath."

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[Reader's POV]

We enter the apartment.

Tripp: "Javier. Y/N. You're back!"

Y/N: "Thanks for the welcome."

Tripp: "Good to see you, kid."

Y/N: "The feelings mutual. Uhh... hey, Eleanor. Clementine needs some uhh medical advice about stuff."

Eleanor: "What stuff?"

Y/N: "Stuff I don't feel comfortable explaining."

The girl next to me giggles
Clementine: "You didn't do too bad."

Eleanor: "Here, we can talk in this room."

Gabe comes over as I rest on the kitchen counter. He responds to my bewildered gaze by briefly holding out his fist.

Y/N: "Uhh... What?"

Gabe: "I know we're not best friends or anything, but you're an okay guy in my book. My stepmom's alive because of you and I don't know how to repay it."

Y/N: "So you're gonna punch me for helping you?"

Gabe: "No, it's a fist bump."

Y/N: "Oh... I thought—Shit, the end of the world's got me so damn Angsty."

After I give him a fist bump, he approaches Javi. I know I'm out of cigars when I reach into my pocket because Clementine knocked my last one out of my hands.

Y/N: "Guys I have to go do something, just tell Clem I went to go jerkoff or somethin'."

Tripp chuckles
Tripp: "Sure you want us to use that specific excuse?"

Y/N: "Whatever keeps her from following me..."

I walk out of the apartment and down the sidewalk back to the street. As I move through the city, I observe the guards constructing a stage.

I go to Jimmy's apartment without paying attention to what they are doing. Jimmy's room is up the stairs, so I go there. I knock on the door, but nobody answers.

His words echo in my head, "Nothing you need to worry about, kiddo."

Y/N: "Jimmy?! Hey man, I need you to open up..."

I take a moment to scan my surroundings and notice the empty apartment. I therefore choose to kick the door. But it wasn't strong enough, so I use my blade to cut the latch and open the door.

I notice the open window and run towards it, seeing jimmy climbing down the fire escape. I quickly make chase and follow him down.

Y/N: "Yo, Jim... stop, wait up a second..."

Jeez for someone with smoker lungs he's fast as hell...

He goes into an alleyway and descends a manhole while I battle to keep up with him. I follow him until I reach an underground factory area.

Jimmy stops for a minute, panting.

Jimmy: "Jesus, kid. What's wrong with you?"

Y/N: "I was—"


Y/N: "Trying to stop you from killing yourself."

Jim then falls on his ass laughing
Jimmy: "Damn, kid... you're out of your goddamn mind. You chased me down all this way because you thought—"

He then start laughing harder

Jimmy: "I was gonna commit suicide? You don't even know me..."

Y/N: "No, Jim. I know you from somewhere, I do. I just can't put my mind on it... But I had a huge crush on your daughter. Y/N, L/N... maybe like as tall as a bar stool. 8-9 years old, ring any bells?"

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