Part Six, "Malicious intent."

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[Reader's POV]

After seeing guards patrolling the streets, I followed Clementine through the streets of Richmond, and we eventually hid in an apartment building.

Clementine: "Alright, Let's ask around, maybe someone knows where Dr. Lingard might be. Hopefully, someone friendly."

We walked up the stairs of the apartment, noticing the people who lived in there. Mostly weirdos and little kids.

I walked up to a tall man in a brown fur lined jacket, holding an unlit cigar
Y/N: "Excuse me, have you seen Dr. Lingard?"

The man replies
?: "Heh, you must be new around here, yeah I might've seen him..."

Clem walks over
Clementine: "'Might've'?"

?: "I don't have a match on me right now, a smoke'll jog my memory."

Clementine: "Fuck you, I hope you die of lung cancer," she says while cutely storming off.

Y/N: "I'm sorry about her... uhm, y'know girls at my age are really just pissy emo narcs."

?: "is that like your little girlfriend?"

Y/N: "No, we're on and off friendship-associates..."

?: "Whatever you say, little man. Just find me a lighter and I'll let you know where the doctor is."

I walk over to Clementine; who's leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

[Third Person]

Y/N: "You gonna be angry all day, or are you gonna help?"

Clementine: "Both..."

Y/N: "You're adorable," he thinks aloud.

Clementine: "Uhh—Thank you?..."

The flustered girl rubs her arm for a second thinking of what to say to him but just decides to smile.

Y/N: "Let's knock on this guy's door and see if they have a lighter or something..."

The girl raises her fist and softly hits the door.

Y/N: "For someone with such an aggressive personality you're very... petite, not sure if that's the word I'm looking for."

Y/N knocks on the door, loud enough for anyone inside to hear.

[Reader's POV]

No answer is heard.

A kid then runs past
Child 1: "Oh, nobody lives there."

The child goes back to playing with a soccer ball in the apartment hallway. I shrug my shoulders; opening the door.

I notice how vacant the apartment looks and walk inside; Clementine following close behind.

Clementine walks over and sits on a single couch, sinking into the cushion. I chuckle at her struggling to get free from the couch cushion.

I then smirk
Y/N: "Y'Know, this place hasn't been used in awhile; there's probably spiders in that couch."

Clementine: "EEK!" She yelps, jumping off the couch and landing in my arms bridal style.

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