Part Eight, "Aftermath."

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[Reader's dream sequence]

I walk up to the table, where the same spaghetti is waiting for me. My mother approaches the table and reacts shocked to see me there.

Mother: "I wasn't expecting you so soon, hey kid. Jesus, you look older... my poor sweet baby boy all grown up?"

I then notice my current jacket rather than my childhood one as I look down at my sleeves.

Y/N: "Yeah... are we gonna have the same thing every time I show up?"

Mother: "Don't look at me, it's your subconscious..."

I sit down at the table and stare at my mother for a minute.

Mother: "I'm pretty sure I raised you to speak words, not stare."

Y/N: "Right... uhm, so mom if I was thinking about getting married to someone, how would that go?"

Mother: "Y/N, you look old enough to be in middle school, you shouldn't be worried about marriage anytime soon... Oh, wait! Speaking of, how are things with that girl, Clementine?"

Y/N: "Great... that's kinda why I—Never mind."

Mother: "Oh..."

She drops the fork and gives me an intense death gaze that makes my stomach turn.

Mother: "Did you have sex?"

Y/N: "What, No! Fuck no..."

Mother: "Watch your damn mouth, or so help me god I will rise from my grave and give you a personal ass whooping for your birthday, also happy early birthday."

Y/N: "Thanks. I actually asked Clem for a present too."

Mother: "And what did you ask her for?"

I don't respond to her question; I just start laughing hysterically.

Mother: "You're starting to creep me out, you really are your father's child."

Y/N: "I think he may be alive."

Mother: "You serious?! How's that fair... fuck! I lost the bet."

Y/N: "What bet?"

Mother: "On my third date with your dad, we made a bet about which one of us would die first."

Y/N: "Damn, that's... upsetting."

Mother: "Indeed... Y'Know the only thing your father would ask for on his birthday is..."

She gives me the most soul-crushing glare I have ever seen as her brows furrow together.

She suddenly begins shaking her head, and I see that her cheeks have taken on a rosy color.

Y/N: "Are you okay?"

Mother: "Uh huh... if you ever find that old man, you take care of him for me, okay?..."

I nod. Everything begins fading into black.

Y/N: "So... any other tips before I go?"

Mother: "Go at her pace, alright?"

Y/N: "Okay."

[Clementine's POV]

After finding Kate, we all snuck into an apartment building and made our way up to the roof with Javier and David. Ava was a little pissed at Y/N, but eventually forgave him.

I then noticed Y/N staring off into the distance, as if he was contemplating something deep.

I walk over to the boy and pull his arm twice, shaking him out of his trance and looking at me. After viewing me, his expression instantly changed from sad to happy.

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