Part Three, "Welcome To Richmond."

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[Reader's POV]

I look down at Javier, Max's offer to Walk down there was tempting enough. It may get me killed but... it must be done.

Gabe: "Y/N, you've gotta go down there, my uncle Javi needs your help."

Y/N: "I know..."
I take a deep sigh and set my gun down.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm coming down there."

Clementine grabs my arm.
Clementine: "No, Y/N... they'll kill you."

I shake her arm off and continue going down the gate.
Y/N: "I'll be fine, probably."

I make my way down to New frontier guys. Badger looks at me with a blood lusted expression on his face, however I was unfazed.

Badger: "Good man."

A guy from behind me wraps his arm around my neck. He didn't apply pressure; keeping me in a tight hold but still allowed me to breathe.

Max: "Alright, Tie him up and throw him in the van."

Badger: "I don't want to wait that long..."

Max: "We don't have time for this, badger!"

Badger pulls out a crowbar.
Badger: "I don't want to wait that long."

Y/N: "Alright, gimme your worst."
I shut my eyes and await the swing.

Before anything could happen a bullet hit the guy who had me in a hold. My eyes widen as time seems to be moving slow. I avert my gaze towards the gate; spotting clementine who had her pistol out.

I quickly take out my blade and shank a New frontier guard in the chest, taking his rifle and firing at the guy who had Javi hostage.

Javier: "Thanks, Kid."

I nod as badger and his men start to fire at us. I ran over to Clementine who was taking cover behind the front gate.

Y/N: "Looks like you saved my life again..."

I notice a smile grow on her face, however this one was different... it felt like genuine happiness; so much so I couldn't help but smile back at her.

Wow, her eyes are really beautiful... I'm starting to get lost in 'em—And I am totally not paying any attention to the people fucking shooting me! Jeez, Y/N, stop being such a fucking moron and SHOOT THEM.

I shake my attention off of her and begin firing at our attackers again, however someone tossed a grenade at the front gate; it explodes knocking me and Clementine into the main gate.

The New frontier then ram a Walker-filled truck into the main gate; flooding Prescott. Tear gas fills the air.

I look back at clementine.
Y/N: "Where to?", I say while covering my mouth with my arm.

The girl shrugs and snatched my hand. Her hand feels so... Warm~ Shit, it's getting hard to think straight.

I follow Clementine into Tripp's Van which just pulled up.

[3rd person]

The group travel along the highway, stopping along the road somewhere. Everyone steps out of the vehicles except Kate.

Tripp: "Eleanor. Thank God."

Eleanor and Tripp hug. Javier reunites with his Niece and Nephew.

Eleanor: "I can't believe it. All of our friends, all those people... Oh, Conrad."

Y/N: "What's wrong with him?..."

Conrad: "Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong with me, Motherfucker. My Francine was mauled by Fuckin walkers all because of you! You're the reason they came to Prescott in the first place! She's dead because of you!"

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