Chapter 18

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What must be done... ...The servers are the seven Chaos.

Chaos is power. A power enriched by the heart.

The controller is the one who unifies the Chaos.

...Feel within... The sea of Chaos... And the ancient waves.

May the light of its power shine down eternally and protect us all.

Royal Chao Garden, Castle Acorn, New Mobotropolis

A full week had passed since the battle of the Music Festival. Within the beginning of the next week, Sonic had been released from the hospital on the doctor's order to not over-exert himself and to avoid any form of combat. The hedgehog complied, deciding to take it easy by hanging out with his Uncle for a few days. In between that period, coverage of the festival's events had highlighted the bravery of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters, bolstering the overall positive reception for the hedgehog and his friends joining the Acornian resistance.

Now, in the grassy terrain of Chao Garden located in Castle Acorn, Knuckles the Echidna sat on the rock by a pool where dozens of Chao frolicked and played. Ever since the Flood of Station Square, the last remaining Yaotl had a knack to dwell near the mystical creatures in memory of his ancestor, Tikal. His tribe's past mistakes, while he had long since accepted and moved on from, had not left his cognition entirely. In fact, it only strengthened his resolve to be mindful of his duty to guard the Master Emerald and to preserve the nature of his island, including the animals and life that thrive on it.

While watching the winged pixie-like species, Knuckles addressed his thoughts aloud.

"I've made notable progress in my journey to restore the Master Emerald to its former glory." The red echidna stated. "I've recovered four pieces in my search, but there's still three more of them out there. In Mobian Alliance territory."

Knuckles' determination burned in his eyes as he declared, "I'll find them. And when we beat Eggman and the wizard, I'll restore the Master Emerald and bring it back to my island,"

Knuckles closed his eyes and uttered "Speaking of which..."

Knuckles began to recall a particular vision that was shown to him when he touched the third shard. The image of a darker Sonic burned in the back of his mind.

"...I can't shake off that vision that the shard sent. It looked like Super Sonic, but he appeared to be ensnared in this dark and twisted aura. I don't know what this means, or if this is some kind of vision of the future. I have a bad feeling about it." Knuckles recounted before shaking his head. "And that meeting with the king and Princess Sally didn't help shake this mood either."

-Flashback, Freedom HQ 72 Hours Ago-

Knuckles and Princess Sally entered the conference room inside Freedom HQ. Approaching the table, the echidna was greeted by the appearances of Sir Charles and King Maximilian Acorn awaiting the two to seat themselves.

"Good afternoon Father, Sir Charles." Sally politely greeted the older men with a nod as she approached the table.

"Afternoon Princess/Darling." Both Sir Charles and King Max greeted the girl respectively.

The ruler of Acornia then turned to the echidna and said, "Greetings, Knuckles. How has the day treated you so far?"

"It has been fine. Uneventful, but peaceful. I have nothing to complain about." Knuckles spoke truthfully as he and the princess seated themselves.

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