Chapter 24

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What must be done... ...The servers are the seven Chaos.

Chaos is power. A power enriched by the heart.

The controller is the one who unifies the Chaos.

...Feel within... The sea of Chaos... And the ancient waves.

May the light of its power shine down eternally and protect us all.

Forest Clearing, Great Forest, Acornia

One of Rouge's hobbies besides adding precious gemstones to her private collection and shopping was honing her skills as a hand-to-hand combatant.

While she specializes in espionage and retrieving intel as a double agent, Rouge was not afraid to get physical when it time calls for it. And for a person who can go toe to toe with Knuckles, a Mobian who Sonic considers to be the Strongest Thing Walking, through her fighting prowess and powerful legs.

And right now, she was honing that skill by training with her partner and close confidant, Shadow the Hedgehog.

For her attire, Rouge wore a black form fitting pants, boots with purple accents, a black collared vest under a dark purple shirt, and black/dark purple gloves with light silver plating. She also had glowing blue accents in the form of crystals that served as accessories for the sides of her boots and a buckle for her silver belt.

Currently, she had been knocked five in the air by her partner before using her wings to recover mid flight.

From there, Rouge found Shadow using his Jet Shoes to rocket up to her with a hand cocked back. The agent managed to guard her face, then counterattack with a deadly high kick that could split an average Mobian in half.

This was known as the Silent Scythe attack.

Shadow managed to weave away from the kick and lunged at his partner to chop her at the back of the neck. But Rouge managed to catch his right wrist, then threw him to the ground. Then, she channeled her voice and let out a burst of an ultrasonic soundwave that stunned Shadow.

This was the aerial variant of her Beauty Shock.

Seizing this opportunity that was a disoriented Shadow, Rouge descended towards the black and red hedgehog, spinning around on her vertical axis at such speed that she created an illusion of a tornado around herself before sticking her right boot down with the intent to strike Shadow.

'Got him!' Rouge smirked while executing her signature attack.

Unfortunately for the bat, Shadow quickly recovered and spotted the incoming attack coming from above. Having no other choice, Shadow utilized Chaos Control to slow Rouge's movements down just enough for him to grab her and pin her down to the ground.

For Rouge, it was instantaneous. One moment, she was looking down at her partner with certainty of her victory, then the next, Shadow was over her, now pinned down on her back.

"W-what the–!?" The white bat whispered.

"I won." Shadow stated matter of factly as he let Rouge go.

Rouge was not pleased at this response as she got up and dusted her clothing with her gloved hands.

"Ugh, you cheater! Using Chaos Control to win was cheap and you know it!" Rouge said, pointing at Shadow's white chest fur.

Shadow gave Rouge a half lidded gaze, gently removing Rouge's left index finger and said, "You never complained about it before when I used my power to save you. And besides, I saw no other option."

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