Chapter 26

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Never Woods, Christmas Island

"IT'S BIG!" Cream and Amy shouted with smiles on their faces.

Big chuckled in a dopey tone, saying, "Ha ha! Yup, I am big."

The two Mobian girls ran up to the large cat and hugged the loveable young adult.

"We missed you so much!" Amy expressed, happy to see the third member of Team Rose.

"Aw! I missed you too, Amy." Big said, gently reciprocating the hug as he turned to the rabbit that he was also embracing. "And you too, little one."

Noticing the field leader of the Freedom Fighters, Big let Cream and Amy go as he asked, "Is she a new friend?"

Cream nodded, bringing the fisherman to the princess of Acornia, saying, "Yes! Mr. Big, this is our new friend, Ms. Sally! Ms. Sally, this is Big! He's a close friend of ours and a really great teammate!"

"Hello," Sally formally greeted, waving to the giant cat.

Big waved back while Froggy jumped from his free hand to his shoulder, "Hi there. Thank you for watching over my friends."

"It's not a problem, Big. It's been a pleasure having Cream and Amy with me." Sally said with honesty before asking him, "Say, you happen to have come from a tribe called the Felidae, would you?"

Cream and Amy gazed at the princess with perplexed expressions but Big answered, "I think so. Pa and Ma took me away from the village as a kitten. Pa said something about a war breaking out during a great famine. Anyway, I left them once I got big enough and learned how to fish. I've been living my days roaming around ever since."

"Oh my..." Sally whispered as she thought, '...Was the Naugus War the cause of the Felidae starving out?'

"How awful!" Cream commented, placing a hand over her mouth.

"Oh, Big! I'm sorry that happened to you! How come you never said anything to us?" Amy questioned, feeling bad about her friend's upbringing.

"I don't like thinking about sad things. The past was hard, but it happened, so I let it be. I like being happy, and there's always a reason to be. For me, waking up the next day, finding new places to relax and fish with my best pal makes me the happiest." Big smiled with Froggy croaking on his shoulder. "Besides, seeing you beaming bright also makes me happy."

Hearing Big's outlook on life touched Sally, given the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. The cat's words resonated with the chipmunk. He had such a way with words yet...

"That was very heartfelt and yet, simple," Sally admitted.

Amy and Cream couldn't help but giggle with the pink hedgehog stating, "Hehe! That's Big for you!"

"What brings you to Christmas Island, Mr. Big?" Asked Cream, turning to her friend.

Big placed his right hand on the back of his head, bashfully explaining, "Heh heh! Well... I heard that there were special flowers on the island. So I brought Froggy with me to look for it until he got lost again. And I have, friend, that I want to give them to, so..."

With the other three girls registering what Big was trying to say, Amy let out an ear-piercing squeal out of excitement.

"Big, you have a crush!?" Amy exclaimed.

"...Is that what that is?" Big rhetorically and innocently questioned, placing his hands on his stomach. "No wonder why I feel so warm and funny inside. I can even hear my heartbeat in my ears thinking about her."

Amy gushed, "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you!"

'He's innocent for someone who looks to be about Bunnie and Antoine's age.' Sally analyzed. 'Sonic has a lot of interesting friends.'

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