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WHEN ATLAS AND MO APPROACHED the slammer, Chuck had just gotten up as they were making their way there

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WHEN ATLAS AND MO APPROACHED the slammer, Chuck had just gotten up as they were making their way there. Mo and Chuck exchanged soft smiles and Atlas nodded at him.

"Hey, Mo...Atlas." Thomas says, and Atlas apprehensively approached the cell.

"Glad to see you're up and walking." Thomas says. The area around the slammer is tense—like a blanket of tension laid heavy over them.

"Tell me what happened, Thomas. What did you do." Atlas says, boring his eyes into Thomas's. He swallowed.

"Listen—that girl, coming up in the box wasn't my fault. I don't have anything to do with it, I don't know why she knew my name-"

"She knew your name before you said it?" Atlas asks, panic clawing through his chest.

"You didn't know that? Once she woke up—she said my name—and the note she had."

"She had a note?" Atlas asks, his voice dropped in a horrified whisper.

"Yes..how long have you been out?" Thomas asks, and Mo gave him a look.

"Are you alright?" He asks him, and Atlas cautiously looked around. He leaned in closer.

"I'm going to say something—something i've never told anyone. Not Newt...not even Nick." He says.

"That day that I came up into the glade, when I woke in the box, alone, panicked, with no recollection of where I was—i found a note inside my pocket. I've never showed anyone it before." He says, looking down, quietly.

Thomas's eyes lifted to his. "What did it say?" He asks.

Atlas is quiet for a minute, before opening his mouth. "The note...it said—'Don't forget him.'" he says, Mo shifting uncomfortably.

"And—Thomas..when you came up in the box for the first time—it felt like i've seen you before. Like i knew you from somewhere distant—and I knew your name before you said it, too." Atlas says, quiet and muted. Mo gasps quietly, and Thomas looked stricken.

"I've had dreams, too. or memeories. Of you, Newt, but nothing else. And i don't know why i've been having them, but you can't tell anyone, okay?" Atlas asks. Then, he got closer. His eyes clouding with mirth and seriousness, boring into Thomas's. He voice is notched lower, more gruff and sinister.

"That's why..I wanna find out who you are—who that girl is..and why your trying to tear up our home."

owowowowowowoo yeah that's chapter 19 just some interrogation yk

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