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WHEN MINHO AND ATLAS arrived back at the glade, the box suddenly started blaring a horrible sound

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WHEN MINHO AND ATLAS arrived back at the glade, the box suddenly started blaring a horrible sound.

It made him cringe, and it made him think all about the first time he heard the maze doors open.

"C'mon, that's The Box." Minho said, hitting Atlas lightly on the chest, before jogging over to it.

He watched as a crowd gathered near the box, and he shifted from foot to foot, mentally conflicted. he felt kind of sick looking at it.

nevertheless, he continued on to the group, elbowing through to Minho.

by the time he got there, the box doors were already open, and Gally was inside, tugging a young boy out, younger than most people there.

he was thin and sickly pale, and had a terrified, wild look in his eyes.

leering comments and jabs sounded throughout the group, and Atlas rolled his eyes.

Alby stepped forward to the boy, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Welcome to the glade, greenie." he said, leading him away from the crowd.

The sun was cresting over the trees as dawn was approaching quickly, and the group slowly dispersed after lugging out the new supplies until it was just him, Alby, and the new boy.

"Atlas, show the greenie where we sleep and get him a sleeping hammock." he said, and Atlas nodded.

Alby walked off, and then it was just Atlas and the new boy.

"So uh—i'm Atlas." he said, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"I'm..." the boy said, trailing off, before shaking his head, tears in his eyes.

"The boy told me that i might not be able to remember my name, but i feel like he hasn't told me everything." He said, and Atlas nodded.

"probably, i mean, i don't even know everything. i'm still kinda new myself." he said, recalling his first day, which seemed like so long ago.

"Cmon, it's getting late, let's go find you a place to sleep." He said, clapping him on the back and walking over to the bunks.

- -

the greenie had taken over Atlas's old job as cook, and as the weeks went by, the two of them became closer to each other.

eventually, of course, he remembered his name, Mo, and the boy clung to him like a lost puppy.

and the more Atlas ran everyday, the more tiresome it became, and there even was this one guy, who was a total jerk to him for no reason.

he was the keeper of the bricknicks, this tall, brooding guy who kinda stood off into the corners, watching, and waiting.

and for some reason, seemed to hate Atlas.

whenever he was looking at him it looked like a glare, and he felt on edge near him.

he felt someone slide into the seat next to him at dinner time, Mo was across from him and newt was now next to him.

"what are you glarin' at?" he asked, before Atlas huffed.

"Kennedy. he seems to hate me for like, no reason." he said, crossing his arms. Newt chuckled.

"That's because Kennedy always wanted to be a runner." he said, lowering his gaze.

"But—everyone had always said no one wanted to be a runner." Atlas said, alluding the everyone to nick.

"yeah, but this guys jacked up in the head. best friends with gally, a total craze." he said, darkly.

Atlas shrugged, before glancing at newt.

the curve of his nose down to his lips, his eyelashes batting, the way his hair fell sullenly over his eyes, he swallowed carefully.

"what are you looking at?"

Newts silky accent washed over him in waves, surrounding him with warmth, despite the cold times.

"nothing." Atlas said, and if Mo has mentioned him moving closer to the other, he would deny him that fact immediately.

yeah i honestly needed to get the pre-tmr out of the way so i could finally advance the story 🧎 i'll probably update this when i get more ideas abt this LMAO for now enjoy the plothoels

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